Weather Report..................

6 Degrees and yet more rain. I think the sky has sprung a leak over Fife, but it does help the rice crop to flourish ... Fife council doesn't impose hosepipe bans; it sends out inspectors to check that you've washed the car and Van to create capacity for the following day's deluge ....

Overcast and threatening rain here in west Wales however the forecast is for it to be dry until later this afternoon....

...mind you I've heard those lies peddled before!
Where are you in Sussex? I lived in Worthing and worked in Bognor Regis and, latterly, Chichester, before starting a new life in Scotland

The Weald, south of Tunbridge Wells.

By co-incidence, I worked out of Worthing for a year and Fife for four years, having had something of a peripatetic and interesting career. The more we travel, the smaller our world appears.
The Weald, south of Tunbridge Wells.

By co-incidence, I worked out of Worthing for a year and Fife for four years, having had something of a peripatetic and interesting career. The more we travel, the smaller our world appears.
Broadly the same for me! Private Sector to Public Sector to Voluntary [now Third] Sector to Private Sector to Public Sector and back to Private Sector prior to being given 'the opportunity to seek alternative life goals' [so much nicer than being 'got rid of', though the impact is the same :rolleyes:

Busy busy busy..!
It's supposed to be boring, retirement..?
Cliff-hanger finish to hectic week.
Our daughter managed to fly in Friday night, after complications at every turn.
Great to see her, after, 23 turbulent months.
She's brought gentle, persistent northerly winds and bright sunny days . From dusk to dawn its 6 degrees. In the sheltered South terrsaces, we've got 16 degrees max.
Warm enough for breakfast and lunch outdoors.
We're not grumbling.