Weather Report..................

You posted about using a Scarifier to gather the remaining leaves; so I suggested an update on The Rake's Progress, a play and opera by Hogarth. My puns don't merely make one groan, the better versions make one lose the will to live ... :rolleyes:

The strangest town in UK is in Norfolk; as one approaches it, the town Diss appears ...

I'm here all week ...

6 or 7 degrees Celsius in bright winter sun about 400m from the start of Tentsmuir Forest after a windy night. The temperature did rise a little, allowing 11am coffee outside the Van ('It's not chilly, darling, put a jumper on. Well, a 2nd jumper, then').

The sun lasted long enough for the Solar panel to produce 130Wh to put some leccy back into the Leisure and Starter Batteries, but the former will be a tad low by tomorrow morning ...
