Weather Report..................

Nice calm sunny day on the seven seas
Did you have problems supplying the API details before the Trip, Gordon? I complained to DFDS when I made the Booking that the website wasn't allowing the uploading of API Data, and had an email reply indicating that I would receive a further email 'a few days before sailing'. 3 days before Sailing date and nothing received. I've emailed the information that I believe that they will require and asked DFDS to confirm that we will be able to Board. They are worse than useless since the COVID service reduction!

The Forecasters were right on with the heavy shower that arrived, soon after Lee did his rain dance.
2 cold and grey hours then the downpour came just as we got back, walking from the village.
. A good 10 days in the cisterns, no need to irrigate for a while.
Wind changed from Westerly to NW.
Brighter, but cooler.
Mustn't Grumble.
Sunshine this morning...Forecast light rain maybe this afternoon. We have water coming out of the tap now (dribbling...but still!) so won't complain. Forecast of rain all next week has now changed to wed pm-frid morning....who knows?
Forecasting an afternoon of gentle rainfall..
6mm over 6 hours.
Looking at the clear, blue sky, that seems unlikely.
2 washer loads flapping away in the cool northerlies.
That should bring on the rain.
We've had misty drizzle all morning. This afternoon onwards we can expect heavier showers.

The snowdrops,, daffs, helebores and newly planted Amelanchier love the weather, so that's fine. (y)
Lning all shower shave and hit the road time soon 7 degs here in blois heading south
Ice on the screen cover this morning in Moffat! After yesterday's sunshine and rainstorms on a shift rotation, the journey south to Stourbridge (where I was born), was in bright sun, but with some strong cross winds. Now parked up at the side of the canal; and I thought I had it rough when I lived here in a Council house ... 😂🙄

Ice on the screen cover this morning in Moffat! After yesterday's sunshine and rainstorms on a shift rotation, the journey south to Stourbridge (where I was born), was in bright sun, but with some strong cross winds. Now parked up at the side of the canal; and I thought I had it rough when I lived here in a Council house ... 😂🙄n

Nothing wrong with a council house, Steve.
I was born in what is now the red light district, Chapeltown , Leeds.
It's an improvement now.
We had a house with big gardens, Our very own bathroom and a downstairs bog..
We could keep a dog..
Bloody Luxury.!
Now I live in a Hovel ..
But don't Grumble.
At least I can strip off and dance in the rain , here.
Nothing wrong with a council house, Steve.
I was born in what is now the red light district, Chapeltown , Leeds.
It's an improvement now.
We had a house with big gardens, Our very own bathroom and a downstairs bog..
We could keep a dog..
Bloody Luxury.!
Now I live in a Hovel ..
But don't Grumble.
At least I can strip off and dance in the rain , here.
Rain? Our forecast rain for this afternoon did not appear and sky is clear tonight again. Maybe Lee needs to teach someone his rain dance?