Weather Report..................

Today's rain is 1 degree warmer than yesterday's rain. Rain is also forecast for tomorrow, but the likely temperature has not been revealed, so that gives a surprise element :rolleyes:

We're at the day's maximum temperature of 8 degrees and maximum rain intensity. Usually moan that we can't see Edinburgh across the Forth; today we cannot see the water 100 metres away. Our view is a naked tree trunk against a light grey sheet. Back to the duvet ...

It's black as the Ace of Spades out there at the moment, but the forecast is for heavy rain, a moderate breeze, and 13 degrees. 🌨️ 🌨️ ☹️
Today is forecast to be generally bright and 11 degrees, but with the chance of an odd shower.

Happy New Year to the weather watchers. 🙂
4 degrees at present [day's high] and wall of grey/white cloud, with showers as the temperature falls to 2 degrees. 'Start the year as you mean to go on' springs to mind :rolleyes:

Cloudy , mild day.
No rain forecast at lunchtime.
Management decided to use the hotel washing machine. No tumble dryer.

Pegged it out and went for lunch.
We now have a red rain alert for 12 hours of downpour.

Is it just us ?
Breezy overnight, with one of those downpours that blows the fuses..Right on time as we started our evening meal.

Very romantic, Beef casserole, champagne, all lit by 2 phone torches.
Serenaded by the dancing balcony chairs..
Totally different weather pattern today..
Gusty NE winds 12 degrees, .. Feels like 8.
Management seems reluctant to hang out yesterday's laundry .

I've volunteered to do last night's washing up