The weather forecast promised that East Sussex would have overnight freezing fog leading to difficult driving conditions.
I don't quite know who to complain too because it didn't happen.

Instead we had a slight overnight frost that quickly developed into a beautiful day with blue skies and the lightest breeze.
Well. most of the complaints need to be made in the direction of the current Government; the BBC for allegedly being the Government mouthpiece; the Banks for being in league with senior Government Ministers and using the BBC higher offices to produce a guarantor for an impoverished politician; the insurers for operating a cartel whereby the insurers of the person causing the damage to a 3rd party deny all and any responsibility, whilst the 3rd paty's insurers claim that the damage is not covered by the victim's policy; the Ombudsman who works hand in glove with the insurers and Banks to protect their interests; or the Government of the day who condones rampant fraud and tax evasion, including massive offshoring of funds [£19 billion in the last year for which I saw figures] in return for donations to the Government of the Day; these payments will be received by, as Stewart Lee wriy=tes so pithily today, not by the Minister without portfolio, so much as the Minister with the smallest number of portfolios registered in Gibraltar that have been discovered to date ...
Of course, there's always the Meteorological Office, which will prove equally ineffective in resolving your complaint, but it would save listing the waffle I've typed above ...

What the Met Office won't be able to do however, is produce a letter dated 2 days before my last conversation with the Claims Team requesting an escalation of my Complaint, and 4 days before the final telephone conversation from the Escalations Manager [that's a step up ...] saying that my Complaint has been closed! It takes a special kind of insurer to do that. Step forward and take a bow, Aviva!
I'll be too busy to complain to the Met Office; I'm going to have to settle for a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman, in the full and certain knowledge that the outcome will be more disappointment and cynicism as the 'system' grinds on relentlessly. And, thus was it ever ...
Still, mustn't grumble, eh?
By the time you've waded through this futile verbiage, it'll be dark, and the event about which you wish to complain will have passed, thus placing you beyond the timeframe in which complaints must be made ... Oh, bugger ...