Wet n Forget


Full Member

Yesterday I sprayed the roof of my van with wet n forget.
Even though I had made every effort to make sure the roof was horizontal, this morning, when I looked up there I found a pool in one corner. With my brush I swept it around the roof intending to let it dry, but the result was truly amazing!
I couldn’t resist brushing the whole roof and rinsing it with a hosepipe as I went along, the finish is now cleaner and shinier than it ever has been, and virtually effortless!
I will give it another coat next week, and leave it to react with rain, as you are supposed to do, but I think the days of dirty roofs are over!
I had a chat with Wet n Forgets Technical Dept before using it, because I was worried about any detrimental effects to the solar panel, and they assured me it would be perfectly ok, the results would seem to back this up.
Been wondering how you went on with that Rog. Being an 8M van ours is a big job so any easier way of cleaning it is a plus.


Been wondering how you went on with that Rog. Being an 8M van ours is a big job so any easier way of cleaning it is a plus.


We are 7.4m, but 8m would be no problem at all. I left it to soak overnight and the cr*p just fell off.
They advise not to use it if rain is forecast in the next 4 to 5 hours. Worth heeding.
Yes, but you only need about 0.5 litres to make up enough solution for your roof.
I’m sure they do smaller bottles.
Thanks for that Rog.

I'll get a big bottle and use it doing the stonework at home and at our son's new old house.


Costco have the 5 litre containers in just now £17 + vat. I bought a box of four to try on a mossy tiled roof next week.
I have some that I bought for block paving and tried on a test section. The result has been singularly unimpressive. I had considered for the moho but was worried about after effects. I shall watch for results overtime with interest.

Meantime I shall have another go at the drive.

Wully let us know how it goes with the roof, we have a north facing section that gets covered in moss and I have wondered about applying this stuff ever since the window cleaner slipped off the roof.

It does sometimes take months to see the results but I've used it very successfully on my patio. Just don't expect immediate results.
It does sometimes take months to see the results but I've used it very successfully on my patio. Just don't expect immediate results.

Thanks for that Taurian, but after a night soaking, the rubbish brushed off very easily, leaving the roof sparkling.
I will wait now until we have another dry spell, and give it another coat, which I will leave to do it’s stuff!
Yesterday I sprayed the roof of my van with wet n forget.
Even though I had made every effort to make sure the roof was horizontal, this morning, when I looked up there I found a pool in one corner. With my brush I swept it around the roof intending to let it dry, but the result was truly amazing!
I couldn’t resist brushing the whole roof and rinsing it with a hosepipe as I went along, the finish is now cleaner and shinier than it ever has been, and virtually effortless!
I will give it another coat next week, and leave it to react with rain, as you are supposed to do, but I think the days of dirty roofs are over!
I had a chat with Wet n Forgets Technical Dept before using it, because I was worried about any detrimental effects to the solar panel, and they assured me it would be perfectly ok, the results would seem to back this up.

And here I am thinking it had something to do with incontinence in your old age.
Costco have the 5 litre containers in just now £17 + vat. I bought a box of four to try on a mossy tiled roof next week.
Use moss clear and when finnished make brackets and stretch copper wire across ridge tiles up about 6 ins,or paint ridge tiles with copperbot for boats,this can be made cheap by getting epoxy two pack paint and mixing copper powder into it and painting on ridge tiles,lasts about 10 years
Thanks trev I’ve been cleaning moss from roofs for years the sulphur in copper works great but find it’s not the greatest on an old cement tiled roof that moss has good hold off it dose work but takes years. Tried all the different concoctions of industrial strength bleach but it’s not good for the life of the tile. I see perfectly good roofs destroyed by nutters power washing them it’s the worst thing you could do to a roof.We had a company supplying us with stuff called mossgow but they’ve changed the formula used to be great but they’ve ruined it. I’ll give this wet and forget a go but I’ll experiment on my own roof first ?
Just picked up my 5L of Wet and Forget from the side of the shed and that I bought around years ago and forgot about. (You have to apply it when dry first I think - so I clearly gave up on that bit being in Scotland!).
I'll have to give it a go on the roof :)
i bought some of this from costco 3 years ago , our park home is under the shadow of a tree and the rear roof was covered with moss approx 1” deep i raked it off with a lawn rake (yup that bad) brushed it with a bass broom then sprayed it cleaner now than when i finished the job & still got enough left to do it again
Wully, a slight tangent, does moss etc actually damage house roofs, apart from making them unsightly and slippery ?


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