Who's Awake


Off home today after 45 nights away.

Looking forward to some nice sunny weather for the next week.

Not looking forward to the MH emptying'; MH cleaning; clothes washing pile; pile of post; tackling the jungle that is the garden...
Morning all/both!

Home now: let battle commence....
Morning campers off to get my knees Xrayed this morning with a view to join the queue for a bionic replacement though it does make me feel I’ll when I think about it.

Off home today after 45 nights away.

Looking forward to some nice sunny weather for the next week.

Not looking forward to the MH emptying'; MH cleaning; clothes washing pile; pile of post; tackling the jungle that is the garden...
hi GMJ. we got back from 3 months on our winter trip middle of march STILL trying to catch up anyway ENJOY .cheyenne
We are away again in 2 weeks time so I'd better get cracking!

I cleaned the insides of the MH this morning and strimmed and did a top cut on half the lawn areas as the grass was pushing 2 feet high!

Just found out that the neighbour across the road had an adder in their garden last week so I'd better keep my eyes peeled!
...they are if the bugger bites you!

Morning all
M9rning :)
Morning,,, one :)