Who's Awake

It is indeed, I slept like a log until 4:30 then got up answered several emails, did a bit of research on the new car, and downloaded the user manual to the phone which I always do as you can find what you need easier.

Need a nap now.
Up early again today, We're going for our last drive in the Fiesta today, we used to go for a good drive every weekend, but when fuel went crazy we just stopped, but the car has a full tank of diesel and it's going for PX tomorrow so it's effectively free fuel and we're going to burn it off, it'll still have half a tank but at least we get a day out in the country, heading east then maybe north east, we were going to go to a car/bike show in Wales but I'm not up to it as it's a big one.

Up early again today, We're going for our last drive in the Fiesta today, we used to go for a good drive every weekend, but when fuel went crazy we just stopped, but the car has a full tank of diesel and it's going for PX tomorrow so it's effectively free fuel and we're going to burn it off, it'll still have half a tank but at least we get a day out in the country, heading east then maybe north east, we were going to go to a car/bike show in Wales but I'm not up to it as it's a big one.

Bad idea to fill any tank as extra weight causes you to lose MPG, anyway why not remove the fuel and put it in the van. :unsure:
Morning folks