Frost protection valve

The laird

Rally Organiser

Looking atv5ne driveway I think my frost valve must've done its job last night as there's a trace of water ,couldn't have been a lot as I had emptied and cleaned out tank so it must be wot in bouler
DID YOURS OPED LAST NIGHT as it was + 1 degs here
Drain the system Gordon, also leave taps open for ease of draining, I’ll do this before I’m heading for home where ever we are, so as any trapped water will hopefully drain with MH movement when travelling.

Fill up is easy, fill tank then bleed through the water, never had any issues with the above method.
Ours seems to be okay it's well sheltered so a little bit warmer, ours is a manual valve.
Drain the system Gordon, also leave taps open for ease of draining, I’ll do this before I’m heading for home where ever we are, so as any trapped water will hopefully drain with MH movement when travelling.

Fill up is easy, fill tank then bleed through the water, never had any issues with the above method.
System was empty think it was just wot woz in boiler terry
Mines must be very sensitive ,will shut prior to filling tank for hereford might do the clothes peg trick?.
Mine is the flip up yellow lever type, zero frost protection.
Looking atv5ne driveway I think my frost valve must've done its job last night as there's a trace of water ,couldn't have been a lot as I had emptied and cleaned out tank so it must be wot in bouler
DID YOURS OPED LAST NIGHT as it was + 1 degs here
About the same over here, Gordon, but our system is just about empty after our last trip. I'll nip out and have a quick check to see if the valve tripped, though, and update this reply

EDIT: Frost Valve not triggered, but, when I forced a dump, there was only a 5 seconds or so weak trickle, much less than 1/2 cereal bowl full!

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Which is why best to open taps, half and half for H & C, then you will completely empty the boiler.
I forgot to add to my above post, at MH control panel, I isolate water pump by switching off pump at the panel, not doing so will and with taps open when driving, cause unnecessary damage to pump.

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