Weather Report..................

well depend on the docs might make west will give annie a ring if free no parlez french lol
But Wellington is on the horizon, Annie, so chin up. Fancy getting together for a mini-meet on The Drove to celebrate the new surface? Or Westbury White Horse again if The Drove isn't open yet? Or wherever?
I could probably make it for Wednesday late afternoon if the unpacking from France and repacking for Wellington goes to plan. Then onward and upward to Somerset.
Any other takers?

Colin :):):)
See you there Westbury that is as The Drove is now closed for 18 months according to the free Stonehenge website and anyone else who wants to join us on route to the Somerset meet.
See you there Westbury that is as The Drove is now closed for 18 months according to the free Stonehenge website and anyone else who wants to join us on route to the Somerset meet.

Thanks for checking out Stonehenge, Annie. I'll aim to be at Westbury White Horse on Wednesday afternoon. If things don't go to plan I'll post here. I'll also advertise the mini-meet on WC.

Colin ???
It's grey but warm in Herts. We had some rain overnight but certainly not enough to change the grass from brown to yellow.
So I cut the flowers off the weeds. That'll teach them to be more drought resistant than grass.

Colin ???
It's grey but warm in Herts. We had some rain overnight but certainly not enough to change the grass from brown to yellow.
So I cut the flowers off the weeds. That'll teach them to be more drought resistant than grass.

Colin ???
It was raining in Bushey this morning.
Here at Stratford on Avon it has been peeing it down all night supposed to stop round about 8am ish.
The rain absolutely hammered down last night here in Herts but right now it's wall-to-wall blue.
Don't you just love it when we have wet at night, blue days?

Colin ???
Hello from Leeds. Still can't press the return button, without being kicked off the thread. Hence no paragraphs. 22degrees, mixed cloud. See if this works ?
Hello from Leeds. Still can't press the return button, without being kicked off the thread. Hence no paragraphs. 22degrees, mixed cloud. See if this works ?

Please be aware that Phil has very sophisticated ways of dealing with troublesome members, Paul. If you promise to be good he may agree to removing the 'return' key malware that he imbedded on your machine.
I'm trying to help here.

Colin :):):)