What made you smile today.

Our very talented daughter made this 18th birthday cake for our grandson. Love it!


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Oh wow! That's absolute genius... well done Claire! :Ok_Hand_Sign_Emoji: Now I can't help wondering what she flavoured it with? :Flushed_Face_Emoji: :Tears_of_Joy_Emoji:
my daughter gave me a hug, a kiss and told me she loves me before leaving for school, it's a nice change to see my little girl because she's mostly an adolescent at the moment.
The kids in their 'Long John' made me smile in Delft this afternoon. This style of bike is found throughout the Netherlands and Denmark and is used to transport pretty much anything that will fit inside and quite a lot that won't.


Colin ???
This is the biggest barber's pole that I've ever seen and almost certainly deserves to be in 'The Guinness Book of Records'.
It's about 1km from the sea in the huge sand dunes on the Dutch North Sea coast just south of the Brouwersdam sea defences.

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lt most certainly made me smile!

Colin ???
Here it is reflected in the Xantia


More of the 2cv on the Drive It Day thread.
We went for a bike ride through the Dutch bulb fields this afternoon:


This certainly made me smile.
In fact so much so that the locals collected a few thousand flower heads and made this in my image:

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Which made my smile even wider.

Colin ???
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little ird oustde kitchen window sat on fence....didnt bat an eyelid when i went out there......normally birds would fly away as soon as they saw you.
he/she just stood there cocking its ittle head from side to side as if it was trying to communicate.....a good morning....lol cute may be if he.she is there every morning could be my little buddy...lol
My new shoes put a smile on my face.

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They're bio-degradable, can be used to walk on water (not that I usually need help with this) and can be used at meets should we be short of fuel for the camp fire.

Colin ???
Full Member;n33128 said:
My new shoes put a smile on my face.

They're bio-degradable, can be used to walk on water (not that I usually need help with this) and can be used at meets should we be short of fuel for the camp fire.

Colin ???

Hope you bought them for Lee - they look just his size! Love the bulb fields have a great time
Linda;n33152 said:
Hope you bought them for Lee - they look just his size! Love the bulb fields have a great time

Actually, Linda, I have seen a pair of clogs that might suit Lee:

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Whenever I meet Lee he's always somewhat rakish about his lower levels.
At the moment I'm wondering if red tulips might suit his eye colour better?

Colin ???
This made me smile today and think of Linda and Lee:

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It's the Snake's Head Fritillary and is the county flower of Oxfordshire.
I was fascinated by this flower as a boy.
And still am.
Some flower heads have a clearer chequer pattern than others. It's the pattern that I find so interesting - it's so unusual in nature.

Colin ???
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Sitting in the garden with a glass of red and chunk of stilton, while a neighbour was still cutting his lawn
Full Member;n33156 said:
This made me smile today and think of Linda and Lee:

It's the Snake's Head Fritillary and is the county flower of Oxfordshire.
I was fascinated by this flower as a boy.
And still am.
Some flower heads have a clearer chequer pattern than others. It's the pattern that I find so interesting - it's so unusual in nature.

Colin ???

Colin I saw these flowers on Saturday when we went to Eyemouth and wondered what they were called

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