Can we or can't we

You can't stay in a second home - is that not what your motorhome is if it's not your main home?

Maybe, but I'm not sure how I would stay AT a motorhome. And when is a panel van with a mattress in the back a home?

I think the intention of it though, is no.
From the latest Regulations, I think the answer is NO
Restrictions on movement
6.—(1) During the emergency period, no person may leave the place where they are living without reasonable excuse.
Restrictions on gatherings
7. During the emergency period, no person may participate in a gathering in a public place of more than two people except—

(a)where all the persons in the gathering are members of the same household,

(b)where the gathering is essential for work purposes,

(c)to attend a funeral,

(d)where reasonably necessary—

(i)to facilitate a house move,

(ii)to provide care or assistance to a vulnerable person, including relevant personal care within the meaning of paragraph 7(3B) of Schedule 4 to the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act 2006,

(iii)to provide emergency assistance, or

(iv)to participate in legal proceedings or fulfil a legal obligation.

I think we are probably looking at July/August before we can consider venturing out.
You can go north as far as the Scottish border you can go west as far as the Welsh border south and east as far as the sea but you cannot stop out all night acc to the explanation on the news and the CV q&a tonight
To clarify, Can I use my van for a daytrip to the coast? Yes.

Can I sleep in it overnight, probably not, but the wording isn't completely clear lol.

Most coastal places all amenities still shut.I live in Skegness and all still locked down.Seems as above post Bridlington the same.We dont have any hospital and at present are relatively clear of the Virus.So it seems daft for everyone to converge on Skegness and surrounding seasides i/e Mablethorpe and those with symptoms will infect the older generation here.So not sure how this is going to work.Our Police are out and about and will definately be handing out fines to Wildcampers in Campervans and Motorhomes staying overnight so please be warned.
Most coastal places all amenities still shut.I live in Skegness and all still locked down.Seems as above post Bridlington the same.We dont have any hospital and at present are relatively clear of the Virus.So it seems daft for everyone to converge on Skegness and surrounding seasides i/e Mablethorpe and those with symptoms will infect the older generation here.So not sure how this is going to work.Our Police are out and about and will definately be handing out fines to Wildcampers in Campervans and Motorhomes staying overnight so please be warned.

All Skegness and Surrounding Caravan parks and Campsites closed.All Arcades and amusement and Food shops closed.All Public toilets closed.All COUNCIL car parks closed So cant see any point in a long Journey here and also the locals WILL NOT give people a warm welcome at the moment JUST SAYING.
You can go north as far as the Scottish border you can go west as far as the Welsh border south and east as far as the sea but you cannot stop out all night acc to the explanation on the news and the CV q&a tonight

I suppose basically one could drive for 12 hours and 12 hours drive to return home in the same day so that gives some scope to cover all of England but is there any point? Maybe a drive out into the local countryside for some peace and Social Distancing?
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Ok so we can drive to beauty spots to excercise. So how far can we go?
Will motorhomers get stopped and fined?
The urge to get in the van and look at a view is overwhelming; should we resist?
Just thought I'd throw these questions out there.
Me; I'll be taking it slowly
This is really tricky. This relaxation is very liberal given the state of play with respect to the virus. Scotland and Wales have less of a problem and remain buttoned up - probably correctly from a pure infection control point of view. I'm eager to get out there, but don't think it's appropriate. It's certainly not essential. The guidance looks clear to me : it's ok to go out for the day, but not to stay overnight. Avoid obvious beauty spots. I'm a retired GP with plenty of friends still in active service and a son working on the Covid 19 wards as a junior doctor. It has quietened down, but a reservoir of infection remains in the community and there is every opportunity for a resurgence if we get this wrong.
Well yes or no.
It's a no for us,, common sense must be something people strugle with.
Stick to the lockdown stay in stay safe simples really..
Shopping once a week one of us .
Walk once a day 1hr .Social distancing at all times .
Mask gloves.wash hands .
It has quietened down, but a reservoir of infection remains in the community and there is every opportunity for a resurgence if we get this wrong.
I suspect the plan, that could never be mentioned is to gradually expose most of us in numbers that the health service can cope with. Even if a vaccine is developed, it would be a lot of work to distribute it. The worrying thing is, if this is the policy. How do we still keep the venerable safe? Remembering some of the news reports of the poor souls that have been taken it's not obvious who is at risk? Also if you have had it and recovered, are you safe then?
I think that the issues loads of forums and the like are having is that, like BREXIT, we can make 2 arguments and make them both seem logical. W have the stay at homers and the want to get outers and neither wins really. I am firmly in the stay at home safe camp, but if a run out in the van and not mixing with others is allowed, then which side of the fence does the action fall. I'm guessing, like Brexit, it falls on both so nobody can win, even if their argument is ironclad, so the best thing to do is just do what you feel, but DONT POST YOUR ACTIONS ON SOCIAL MEDIA, unless you like getting slated.
Surely the older generation (vulnerable groups) are following the rules to stay at home, and maintain social distancing? How will they get infected by people turning up to walk along the beach?
So you want the locals, vulnerable or not, to stay inside while you and 1000's of others go invading the beaches?
So you want the locals, vulnerable or not, to stay inside while you and 1000's of others go invading the beaches?

The government has told me I have as much right to be on the beach as they do. If they feel the social distancing that everyone must observe isn't safe enough then they could stay at home during peak times.

Just because someone lives somewhere nice doesn't give them the right to decide who can or can't visit. Where will that end? You can't come to "my" beach because you might have a cold that I don't want to get because it will inconvenience me?
It's a difficult judgement call to be honest. Everyone has been walking the local streets or doing circuits of their nearest park or patch of grass for months. Families with young children must be desperate to get out somewhere for the day. As I said elsewhere, I just can't find it in my heart to begrudge anyone wanting a day out somewhere beautiful to refresh spirit, mind and body. Yes, there's a danger that some spots could get a bit too busy but always remember that the social distancing rules are still firmly in place. If we each take serious responsibility to keep well away from other people, then there shouldn't be an issue of spreading the infection. Even if some numpties won't distance, we should just give them all a wide berth.

Having said all that, I'm lucky to live on the outskirts of a small town just a short drive from the Surrey Hills and the North and South Downs. I can be in gorgeous countryside locally within a 5 minute walk. I won't be heading far for a long time yet... in fact I have to gird my loins and give myself a pep talk to just leave the house these days! 😂 I'm sure a lot of people will feel the same. Let's hope there's not too much of a problem for beauty spots but just watch the media frenzy to come over the weekend!
This coming down the mountain plan would need to be played out at some point. The small steps, suck it and see how well we all comply will produce the same result. So if the R allows us to try now rather than delay we might as well start. If we mess up the SD then a different approach will be required.
The Euro News Channel is interesting to see the various methods of unlocking each country is taking.

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