Can we or can't we


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Ok so we can drive to beauty spots to excercise. So how far can we go?
Will motorhomers get stopped and fined?
The urge to get in the van and look at a view is overwhelming; should we resist?
Just thought I'd throw these questions out there.
Me; I'll be taking it slowly
some clarification is due out today , but on face of it the consensus seems to be that as far as it does not require stop over . The wording doesn't even seem to require exercise as it says to sit on bench etc . It seems all rather vague , hence further clarification .
Common sense would suggest it's fine, but as above, let's see what the document says.
Its quite simple really - you can go wherever you like as long as you don't, if you can't work from home you need to go to work without using public transport and keep 2 metres away from everybody, whilst staying at home.....simples! If you need a hair or nail appointment, the morticians now have more places available, and if you really do want to go out there are more spaces available in ICU......:devilish:
Its quite simple really - you can go wherever you like as long as you don't, if you can't work from home you need to go to work without using public transport and keep 2 metres away from everybody, whilst staying at home.....simples! If you need a hair or nail appointment, the morticians now have more places available, and if you really do want to go out there are more spaces available in ICU......:devilish:
Got it in one debs,all total s-it
No change here in Scotland except we can now go out to exercise more than once a day. I sort of envy you folk down south who seem to be getting lockdown relaxed a bit, but at the same time I think that Scotland is actually doing the right thing by no relaxation yet. Look at what is happening in Germany, South Korea and China since they relaxed things a bit.
Here you go, from today's 50 pages:

People may drive to outdoor open spaces irrespective of distance, so long as they respect social distancing guidance while they are there, because this does not involve contact with people outside your household.
When travelling to outdoor spaces, it is important that people respect the rules in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and do not travel to different parts of the UK where it would be inconsistent with guidance or regulations issued by the relevant devolved administration.

Having the van, for me, makes you and others safer. You don't have to sit on benches, pop into a shop for a drink and sandwich, because you can take that with you in the van.
I would love to take my van for a good run out and park by the sea for the day , it would do us both good and I’m sure I would be safer than in Asda . But hey ho I will wait till given the all clear , if anything does become clear.

See my post above yours.
The message from Bridlington and district to 'EVERYBODY' is STAY AWAY. This town is predominantly occupied by members of the older generation who, up to now, have managed to avoid too many cases of the Covid virus. There is nowhere open, cafes, shops, hotels and guesthouses, amusements etc. are all CLOSED. Please use common sense and stay away. People will start blaming everyone else when the infection rate goes up again.
So, at the end of the day can we or can’t we ?
1.9 Are day trips and holidays ok? Can people stay in second homes?
Day trips to outdoor open space, in a private vehicle, are permitted. You should practise social distancing from other people outside your household.

Leaving your home - the place you live - to stay at another home for a holiday or other purpose is not allowed. This includes visiting second homes.

Premises such as hotels and bed and breakfasts will remain closed, except where providing accommodation for specific reasons set out in law, such as for critical workers where required for a reason relating to their work.
No change here in Scotland except we can now go out to exercise more than once a day. I sort of envy you folk down south who seem to be getting lockdown relaxed a bit, but at the same time I think that Scotland is actually doing the right thing by no relaxation yet. Look at what is happening in Germany, South Korea and China since they relaxed things a bit.
It will happen in Scotland as well when you are finally let out , this very situation was warned of by the Swedish professor who was an architect of their response . That's the problem with lockdowns , its purely a delay tactic .

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