DVLA reclassification


Full Member

Here you go boys and girls .....

(Why is the heading of the link in French (or Italian?)
Not sure I want them to be investigated - that's the first step to a more detailed rulebook and/or stopping DIY installations at all!

Yes, some DIY builds are lethal, but dawin sorts them out.
This petition reads as if it only relates to vans originally registered and subsequently converted. Am I wrong in this interpretation?
This petition reads as if it only relates to vans originally registered and subsequently converted. Am I wrong in this interpretation?
Its do do with DVLA being a pain - since June this year they are refusing to reclassify van conversions as motorcaravans even if the conversion is to high spec and meets their crietera - as the van body is still the same as it left the factory, so being classed as "van with windows" - meaning insurance more expensive, lower speed limits etc.
They say it needs to look like a motorhome but provide no requirements, and just refuse all.

To be honest, some I'd reject myself - but some are almost pro quality inside and look pro build outside, but just being refused for no real reason. Even VWs with pop tops!

How pro manufacturers will deal I have no idea as they get vans registered as vans and convert themselves then amend with DVLA.

So only affects self-builders.

Prompting DLVA investigation may wake someone up, and then need sign off for gas, 240v, fixings, rear seats etc - all of which are "free for all" today. (And as I say, many do it properly, many do it scarily badly, many are dangerous). But I would rather not have to pay someone to check to a huge list of new regs (as many won't sign off unless they do the installs) - which is not really DIYing....)
I have just sent the following via email to international vehicle standards team ( link on DVLA page re conversions....as they contradict themselves on the information page, it seems like they ought to be able to answer? Not holding my breath!

Can you clarify what alterations have to be shown in order for a converted vehicle to be classified as a motor caravan? Your rules are quite clear regarding the internal changes but then you state that the body type will not be changed unless it "looks like a motorhome". Does this entail having windows, solar panels and rooflights, or is there some other attribute which DVLA now look for? As it is mandatory that one applies to having the 5c changed, it seems strange that so many vehicles fulfilling all the internal criteria are now turned down,as they don't look like a motorhome, but no guidance regarding external appearance is given?
Thank you
I am waiting on a response to my FOI request regarding numbers of reclassification requests and number of refusals for various time periods to see how it has changed. As a government agency and the info involves no personal data I don't believe they can refuse to provide this data.
No motor caravan should have a taxation class of any type of goods vehicle.
They should be taxed as "Special Vehicle" M1S, M2S, M3S, depending on weight and other features.
The type of Special Vehicle that it is, Motor Caravan.
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No motor caravan should have a taxation class of any type of goods vehicle.
They should be taxed as "Special Vehicle" M1S, M2S, M3S, depending on weight and other features.
The type of Special Vehicle that it is, Motor Caravan.
Its not taxation class people care about, the road tax doesn't change on conversion. Its the speed limits and insurance (and the fact you *must* change it to motor caravan if it has a list of internal requirements met - as in *must* - its law - but DVLA are refusing on an as yet unknown and undocumented requirement of "it must look like a motorcaravan" which is not defined anywhere nor part of the law of classification.
Even if it looks like a Motorhome on it Body type, it doesn't stop it being a Goods Vehicle in it's taxation class. So the goods vehicle rules apply and speed limits for it's weight. Though in reality it depends on why you were stopped as to what version of the rules they will use against you.
Even if it looks like a Motorhome on it Body type, it doesn't stop it being a Goods Vehicle in it's taxation class. So the goods vehicle rules apply and speed limits for it's weight. Though in reality it depends on why you were stopped as to what version of the rules they will use against you.

Unless under 3050kg, where car speed limits apply.
Unless under 3050kg, where car speed limits apply.
indeed. And it is very easy for a vehicle that is under 3.05t ULW to be also >3.5t GVW, so is taxed as an HGV no matter if it were a conversion or started life as a Motor Caravan.
I was wondering if we put one of the big motorhomers stickers on the side....would that make it "look like a motorhome" ?
The rules about motor caravan conversion are set out here

Whilst they define specific criteria there is the catch all about looking like a motorhome - is this the main change in this 16th May update?

Some Local Authorities are writing parking restrictions to exclude motorhomes as a category so this may be the background to ready identification?

I'd have thought that grilles for fridges and water heaters etc would be sufficient.
Maybe some log stickers would help.
Failing that perhaps some vinyl stickers saying 'motorhome' will do the trick!
That way even DVLA jobsworths will be able to readily identify.
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Could this get better after Brexit, or do we need to let Wales float as well to get some sense back into this ? !
Thinking more about this some if the more 'stealth' like offerings from main line converters could fall foul of the readily identifiable' requirement.
DVLA have been getting quite a few FOI enquiries and are beginning to come clean about not allowing any DIY conversions.

Here's a link to a recent response

So only change to a coachbuilt is likely to be accepted.

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