Engine battery 0 volts

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

I finally got into the van just now, it's all okay but for some mildew on a couple of doors but smells ok, I was about to lock it up and I thought I'd better check the batteries, the Leisure on solar is @ 13.2volts but the Engine which has been on the CTEK since we got back from Ireland and is lit up so assume working is showing no volts at all, I didn't have my meter on me so another trip down at some point
I've set the Ctek to reconditioning to see if it actually does anything.

I'm seeking advice on how to proceed, the difficulty is the nearside is about a foot from a wall so access is bad, I could move it a bit but I'm not up to lifting a big battery in or out anymore, and it needs to be serviced on the 17th.

Concerned the Ctek hasn't been doing what I bought it for.
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Ordered a new VB from Alpha batteries as I do not think the Ctek is going to do much.
Does the Ctek (what unit is it?) need changes to configuration?
Don't know how old your vehicle battery is, but I had a 14-year-old one maintained using a VanBitz Battery Master and that battery was still functioning in 2022 when I decided to replace it as part of an upgrade to 12V systems. The current one is maintained using a Ctek Smartpass 120S, which maintains the charge during the winter by trickle-charging from the leisure batteries, which are charged using solar. I was checking regularly during a long cold snap in winter 2022/2023 and the LiFePO4 batteries were not taking a charge from the solar due to the low temperatures but maintained the starter battery OK.
This is the order for the one I got Tom, I'm expecting nothing but left it on anyway, new battery will be here in 3 days via Fed Ex.

Had the van about 3 years Tom, so no idea how old it is, both LB and VB are struggling but have always worked as we drive a lot, I'll check the output from the Ctek next time I go down to the van, I really should change the VB, but I'm trying to save up for the trip which is making things difficult.
I suppose your solar doesn’t additionally charge your starter battery? How about fitting a battery master?View attachment 71403
Yes the MPPT controller does send some to the VB but the sun isn't really up to it with only the 85w panel, I did think about a battery master but went for the Ctek as it can be used on anything.

I'm wondering why it went flat though if it was getting charged 24/7, nothing is turned on bar the vans control panel.
I don't need it for a couple of LEDS Trev.
Why? the LB IS FINE, when it stops being fine I will replace it then.
FedEx arrived and rang me as instructed, a lovely lad too, he was happy to carry it to the van and put it between the front seats, so it will be easier for the mechanic to fit it for me.

I asked how many drops he had, only had 61, I used to get twice that quite often for local deliveries, he struggled to get up the hill though, not gritted as usual.
You are out of your cotton pickin mind Trev if you think I'm taking either of those very heavy batteries for a bloody walk :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Look at our hill.

Rang the muck neck and he's happy to come up to fit the battery for me, he's a lovely old fellah, loves Veedubs and has a yard full of them, loads of money no need to work and only rents a lift out of another chaps garage, but he's an absolute diamond and no silly prices.
I was thinking about this in the wee small hours this morning, assuming the Ctek is actually working, it lights up and I can scroll through the options, how on earth can it have dropped to zero volts?

As said the only thing on is the Hab control panel, its display goes off after a few seconds so I never thought of it draining and assumed it was connected to the LB anyway, other than to display the VB voltage and the ability to switch between them for the hab stuff, I assume the radio even when off will use a tiny bit, but only as much as last winter and it coped fine then and it was a much colder for longer too.

So I am worried that some rodent has got at the wiring.
I was thinking about this in the wee small hours this morning, assuming the Ctek is actually working, it lights up and I can scroll through the options, how on earth can it have dropped to zero volts?

As said the only thing on is the Hab control panel, its display goes off after a few seconds so I never thought of it draining and assumed it was connected to the LB anyway, other than to display the VB voltage and the ability to switch between them for the hab stuff, I assume the radio even when off will use a tiny bit, but only as much as last winter and it coped fine then and it was a much colder for longer too.

So I am worried that some rodent has got at the wiring.
Did you ever check the battery with a standalone meter or were you relying exclusively on an onboard device?

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