Finally booted Virgin out

It is confusing that there is an EE TV App AND a BT TV App isn't it?

At the time I installed my box, the App had a different name and was more obviously relevant - it might even have been called "YouView" or similar! so when it got renamed after an update, I was already there :)

Smashing, very easy as you say once you get the right app.
It would be handy, wouldn't it. The Sky Go app is similar in that I can send recording requests to the Sky Box via the App. On that, You can chose to record to the box in HD or SD, or to download to the computer (usually use that on PC). Originally is was possible to also see the recordings on the Sky Box, but now that is not possible (at least not on the HD+ Box. maybe on Sky Q you can?).
You can't download a HD+box recording or watch one either. (I have a vague recollection something lilke that WAS possible some time in the past, but might be mixing it up with a different system entirely?)
You can watch Live TV Programs via Sky Go (this is how I often watch Formula 1), which you can't do on the EE TV App, but annoyingly the Sky Go App doesn't let you watch any of the BBC Channels or ITV1 (you can set them to record, but not actually watch)
I just tried to record a series but it gave me the option to cancel one of two programmes already set up so I must have filled the schedule already, I can only record 2 channels at once, not sure what the 1tb will do, a bit spoiled by the Virgin V6 box
I just tried to record a series but it gave me the option to cancel one of two programmes already set up so I must have filled the schedule already, I can only record 2 channels at once, not sure what the 1tb will do, a bit spoiled by the Virgin V6 box
2 at the same time is the limit. Down to the tuner, not the drive size.
Yeah 6 at a time on virgin, handy when most decent programs are on at 9pm, just too expensive for us these days.
Yeah 6 at a time on virgin, handy when most decent programs are on at 9pm, just too expensive for us these days.
Thing is nowadays most programs can be found on a catchup service, and/or a +1 service and/or repeated another time. so multiple simultaneous recording is far less important now I reckon.
We often don't record a program we want to watch but download instead as you get a series link created and the next episode gets downloaded automatically when you start to play. Saves filling up the drive with programs (and also depending on the programs and channels you end up with recordings that are advert-free compared to recording off air).
You lost me there David.
You lost me there David.
I was basing that comment on using the Sky HD+ Box, to be fair.

Many programs now are also available to download on BBC iPlayer or ITVX at the same time they are broadcast, yes?
What I will often do is instead of recording the program, I will go to the catchup service on the SKY box, find the program on iPlayer or whatever and download it instead of recording it. That effectively creates a 'Series Link' same as if you clicked on a programme in the TV Guide and said to record the series, not just an episode. But the key difference is when you are recording a series, it will record to the hard drive each time and potentially start to fill it up, whereas with the Download series link, it will not download the next epsiode until you have started the watch the current one - so you only ever have to make room for 2 episode of a series at any time - the episode you are watching and the next one.

You can get a similar effect on the YouView box (and other smartTV systems) where if yougot to "My TV" there are 3 tabs - the Recordings are what you recorded, oddly nough; and the 'Watch List' shows series you have watched on-line and will take you to the next episode. However, it doesn't download, just streams, and you are stuck with adverts if watching on a service like "You& U".
I see what you mean now, thank you Sir.

I've just been playing with the LG to thumb drive as it gives me a third channel to record that way but it had lost all it's channels, I've got them back now and set up a few to play later.

I quite like it all now I'm over the hump, but with Virgin we were a bit spoiled for program info regarding which series and episode and apart from googling it there appears to be no way of checking what you're wanting to record, having said that we can fuel the car on what we save per month.
times for programs??? time you discovered on demand lol
Not Free usually though.
Can you record them Neil?
I was just setting up a few movies to record on Film4, I'd done a few and it popped up, too many recordings, so I go, and it's tells me I have 89% free that seems very odd
I was just setting up a few movies to record on Film4, I'd done a few and it popped up, too many recordings, so I go, and it's tells me I have 89% free that seems very odd
as a test, set some recordings further apart and see if problem still occurs? I currently have 6 series set to record. I've never had the problem you are seeing.
It was on one channel over a few days, not consecutive times, nothing about too many recordings in the manual.
I get this 20250217_161428.jpg

Then if I go to another channel at a different time and it'll record so it a bad message really.
closest I can get to that is this:
I can create that message by trying to schedule a 3rd recording at the same time as two existing ones. So that is as expected.

Just seen something interesting on the Youview box .... You can record 2 different programmes at the same time as watching a 3rd one live. Didn't expect that to be possible. (On the sky box, the current channel will switch over to one of the recording channels if 2 things are recording).
It's a new box so a bit of a learning curve my first one was a Kenwood single-channel thing that we used at home and then took away in the van, Netflix and Prime made that redundant.
I Subscribed to a couple of streaming channels, shame you can't record them.

Is there a way to change the recorded programs list from pictorial to list format on the BT youview?
We had a little problem with BRSK the first couple of days but it's running really smoothly now, I'd not recommend the "Better TV" package as it really isn't better, but we had 6 people here last night 5 were streaming stuff and one was on headphones on Spotify? and no one was suffering from lack of speed etc, so quite impressed with the service and the price.

Here's a link if you need to switch your ISP, we would both get £50 Amazon vouchers so it is a blatant plug ;) ;) if I get ten signed up, it'll cover most of my van repair bill.
