GROUND CONDITIONS UPDATE@ Hollingworth Lake Country Park , Littleborough , Lancashire, Thursday May 23th Until Tuesday May 28th 2024

GROUND CONDITIONS UPDATE@ Hollingworth Lake Country Park , Littleborough , Lancashire, Thursday May 23th Until Tuesday May 28th 2024
Posted by jeffmossy
Littleborough Rugby Club , Hollingworth Lake , Rakewood ,Littleborough
Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 10:00 AM
Until: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 12:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/London

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates
Thanks for a great weekend, despite the weather, Jeff, Lorraine and helpers.
Special thanks to:
Ken for the lift back from the pub on sunday.
Lee for helping me unpack the stuff from my tent and into the van.
Tom for helping me take the tent down yesterday and for feeding me all weekend.
See you at Stone, probably thursday.
Hi All,

I am slowly recovering from the lurgy that caused me to go home on Saturday and miss much of the meet. I enjoyed Friday night and catching up with you.
Weather here been a bit rubbish since Saturday! We are off to Scotland this coming Saturday, assuming my lurgy remains dormant!
Wonderful bank holiday meet, Thanks to Jeff and Loraine for there hard work and the back up team. We had some crap weather but we had waterproofs and the skin don't leak. Still got loads of walks in and a couple of pub visits. Big thank you to Rugby Ken for coming to the Beach pub and picking me an Caz and the three dogs up to take us back to camp and rescue our vans from floating away in the lagoon where we was parked. Caz' and her one man tent was a bit of an ordeal to dismantle on the water logged rugby pitch. We had to carry it back to the club house patio where two of us fought a loosing battle to the death folding it up. All in all it was a great meet which we always expect to meet some adverse weather now and again. Gonna put a couple of photos on then take my Beechams Powders to remind me of my bank Holliday. P5250152.JPGP5250154.JPGP5250155.JPGP5250156.JPGP5250157.JPG