Italian Gadabout


Full Member

Well, we got away on time this morning and arrived at the Chunnel a couple of hours early. The Portuguese Passport that we bought for Max last year wasn’t even questioned… straight through no probs. We were on an earlier crossing so arrived here at Grenay while it was still light, but by the time we had eaten the contents from our slow cooker, which had been switched on at 9am, it was starting to get dark, so decided to postpone the walk around town ‘til tomorrow morning. Super little Aire here, free with Services. Jeton for water.
Blimey Rog we are going on the tunnel home tomorrow hauled up near Calais, have fun 🤩
If we’d known that Pen, we would have stopped to say Hi.
If you want any cheap booze before you board, nip into Pidou Truck Wine Warehouse at Oust Marck, just off A16, BUT keep one eye open for potential stowaways.
Once your friend has broken in we could take care of the place while Rog and Chris are travelling 😂😂😂

Note to self with this three month stint to Europe more of us are likely to cross paths.

We have wine 🍷 and other goodies but not as much. Ron is happy because the van is lighter.
Once your friend has broken in we could take care of the place while Rog and Chris are travelling 😂😂😂

Note to self with this three month stint to Europe more of us are likely to cross paths.

We have wine 🍷 and other goodies but not as much. Ron is happy because the van is lighter.
Have a good crossing, and a safe journey home. xx
Another good aire here at Mesnil St Pere. All the usual services and loads of space for dog walks. Shame the weather has taken a turn for the worse. Cold and raining at the mo’ with the odd hailstone!
Another good aire here at Mesnil St Pere. All the usual services and loads of space for dog walks. Shame the weather has taken a turn for the worse. Cold and raining at the mo’ with the odd hailstone!
Wall to wall sunshine all day in the Scottish Borders, ye should have turned left at the road end Roger.😂
Yeah, just had a look Gordon, However, it doesn’t show the rain and now hailstones, just have to take solace in this here bottle of French Plonc! It’s a tough job!

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