Motorhome or Caravan?


Full Member

Ok, this forum is called "" so there is an assumption that Motorhomes are the preferred option, but ...

If the idea is to enjoy self-contained holidaying, what is the advantage of a Motorhome over a Caravan (again, note this is posted on Motorhomer, and NOT on Wildcamping)?
A motorhome offering the same level of accomodation of a caravan seems to cost around £25k more at an absolute minimum. What does it (the motorhome) offer above and beyond a Caravan when using Campsites such as the typical CCC site?
As soon as you have water you are ready to go.
You can have a refillable gas system.
Solar panels.
Easy to level ramps.
Just drive on, no messing about backing up or movers.
It is not mandatory to have an extension tent the size of a small bungalow.
Air conditioning/ Satalite (just guessing cos I never owned a caravan).
You don't need a £25k car to tow it.
I wouldn’t feel happy towing a caravan or indeed reversing onto a pitch or elsewhere, some roads not suitable for caravans , and I think they take longer to set up on site, I like the park on pitch handbrake on swivel seat , done . Advantage of caravan is that you have a car for day trips instead of taking the van if you’re not on a bus or train route. I’m sure people who love Caravanning have reasons for not having a motorhome.
I wouldn’t feel happy towing a caravan or indeed reversing onto a pitch or elsewhere, some roads not suitable for caravans , and I think they take longer to set up on site, I like the park on pitch handbrake on swivel seat , done . Advantage of caravan is that you have a car for day trips instead of taking the van if you’re not on a bus or train route. I’m sure people who love Caravanning have reasons for not having a motorhome.

More than two dogs and lots of kids ............. just saying 🤣
As soon as you have water you are ready to go.
You can have a refillable gas system.
Solar panels.
Easy to level ramps.
Just drive on, no messing about backing up or movers.
It is not mandatory to have an extension tent the size of a small bungalow.
Air conditioning/ Satalite (just guessing cos I never owned a caravan).
You don't need a £25k car to tow it.
now being realistic....
I can't see a caravan being less roomy than a motorhome so an 'extension tent' is an option same as a Motorhome.
Air Conditioning / Satellite the same.

I guess those depend if you feel obliged to just follow the crowd as opposed to making your own choices

(sorry, but I was actually looking for sensible replies)
Having started with a caravan and moved to motor home I certainly find the m.h much more convenient,everything on board ,same temperature when driving means when stopping for a brew you don’t get out of a warm car into a cold van.If like me you wild camp your bed is always with you instead of 30 miles back where you last parked.last but not least as soon as you switch the ignition key off you are set up no messing about with jacks etc.
now being realistic....
I can't see a caravan being less roomy than a motorhome so an 'extension tent' is an option same as a Motorhome.
Air Conditioning / Satellite the same.

I guess those depend if you feel obliged to just follow the crowd as opposed to making your own choices

(sorry, but I was actually looking for sensible replies)

So how were these not sensible replies? ok perhaps not awning tent but I have yet to see a caravan without one.
i think depreciation is a big factor ie a neighbour bought a large adria decent size caravan and a volvo estate to tow it just before i bought my hymer 4 years ago he paid £41k i paid £50k he has already changed the car now got a huge hyundai 18months ago and is looking to change the caravan , his view is that changing frequently stops him falling of a cliff replacement wise but he has already lost £20k and finds that reasonable motorhomes like mine are actually going for more than i paid for mine,
we have had both Caravans and Motorhomes , loved both, we also had a giant awning on our caravan as when one is sited and intending to stay a week or more , it makes life much more comfortable and gives more space to spread, I hated putting the awning up and down however but one does as one is told hee hee, then there was the car it was good to be able to use it to tour the area we were staying at, Now we have a van it is our prefered option as we love to be more mobile and travel extensively in Europe etc we have a small awning for the van but seldom use it , parking up for the night is so much easier than with a caravan as you just stop and get the wine open, we have bikes and bus passes so easy to get about as required, so a vote here for both caravans and Motorhomes, just personal preference really isn't it. I never had a problem with towing and our caravan was big, where ever the car went the van just followed .
So how were these not sensible replies? ok perhaps not awning tent but I have yet to see a caravan without one.
so how does a Caravan mean you HAVE to have a Satellite or A/C but you don't in a Motorhome?
THAT is what I mean about sensible. What are the REAL differences between either once getting past the stereotypes?
If the idea is to enjoy self-contained holidaying, what is the advantage of a Motorhome over a Caravan (again, note this is posted on Motorhomer, and NOT on Wildcamping)?
A motorhome is a better bet for touring around, visiting places. A caravan is better for staying in one spot for several days. That's the essential difference (if you use sites).

As for the expense, a caravan is normally more lightly built with cheaper fittings and is on a much cheaper base. If you look at the price of a new light commercial van chassis/cab and add the price of a caravan, less the cost of the spindly trailer a caravan is on, you can see where the extra expense goes.

Secondhand, it's very different. Secondhand caravans have very little value. Seems that last year's model is something not to be seen dead in according to many caravanners.

A secondhand motorhome holds its value: indeed many appreciate in value each year after the first year's drop.

So in the long run, a motorhome often works out cheaper.
so how does a Caravan mean you HAVE to have a Satellite or A/C but you don't in a Motorhome?
THAT is what I mean about sensible. What are the REAL differences between either once getting past the stereotypes?

No I think you just missunderstood my post. All my points were from a motorhome perspective, listing those things which in my opionion were advantages over a caravan. I listed a/c and satelite because I was unsure if those could be fitted to a caravan, having not owned one. No offence was meant in my original post I was just trying to answer your question because you asked what are the advantages of a motorhome over a caravan.
Isn't it about personal preference rather than what are the advantages of one over the other.

I was a caravanner for thirty years and have happy memories from those days.
We had young children when we started...and lived in a house with room to store the caravan in the back garden.
It had everything we needed just like I presume does a motorhome.
It was our choice....influenced somewhat by towing with a company car replaced every three years.

Thirty years later and there's just in a house with no storage for a caravan.
The van went into storage, and I hated the hassle of loading the car, unloading at the storage yard, etc.
With no room to park a motorhome on the street, I chose to sell the caravan and the car...and now own a small campervan as my only vehicle.

Thirty years ago I would have said a caravan was my preference. Now a small camper has everything I need.
For's about what suits at the time.
It still confuses me as well
Although, Having no idea what the prices of caravans. I did wonder if Rugbyken was comparing like with like.
A IH Motorhome is a , or is considered, premium product. £20k caravan, new is, pretty much at the lower end.
That said, a Sprinter Devon Sapphire is under £69k. A new premium caravan could be £40k+
My 6 metre pcv suits me as a lone traveller. If Nikki came with me, I’d need a bigger van.
She doesn’t enjoy travelling, so would be happier to stay put longer. Then a comfortable premium SUV and better wobblebox, could be the better alternative .
We’ve had both, and I’ve enjoyed both. Turning the driver’s seat, is so much easier than raising the corner steadies, throwing the water away, storing the water roller, connecting cables. Then pulling away, stopping to go back into the van to ensure the skylights were shut.

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