Should I buy an older motorhome with 2030 coming up

How old were you thinking. Don’t think the ban is for existing vans made before 2030. If I’ve interpreted it right it means they won’t make or sell any diesel vans from that date. But I don’t think it will ever happen.
How old were you thinking. Don’t think the ban is for existing vans made before 2030. If I’ve interpreted it right it means they won’t make or sell any diesel vans from that date. But I don’t think it will ever happen.
And ... the way the wording of the forthcoming restrictions go, if you want a Motorhome over 3.5t, you will still be able to get* a brand new Diesel Motorhome until 2035.

* There is an interesting little thing in this switchover to Electrics which means manufacturers can get 'fined' £15,000 per vehicle sold from January NEXT YEAR if they don't hit a 22% Electric Target, so this may impact actual availability of models. Check out this article here -

But back to the OP, A potential reason NOT to buy an older technology motorhome can be the various and increasing number of Low Emission Zones. Whether this is important to you is up to you (I have an older motorhome which is also a PHVG. I accept that I cannot economically enter and drive in various City centres, but I have also got exemption to drive for the nearest City to me with a LEZ - Newcastle which could be handy).

Oh.. and if you go old enough (pre 1980), some (no?) LEZs don't apply as the Motorhome would be classed as a 'Historic Vehicle'?
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The infrastructure foe EV won’t be ready by 2030, the government is already starting to back peddle.
The oil companies obviously aren’t concerned as the are still spending millions on refurbishing fuel stations and building new fuel stations.
And as sully has said that is the date to stop selling new combustion engined vehicles not when we have to stop using
Diesel or petrol.
I doubt that any of us on here will be around by the time combustion engines no longer exist
Where we are touring at the moment, Norway, it already appears that electric and hybrid cars are in the majority. Teslas are like fleas on a dog :ROFLMAO:
Where we are touring at the moment, Norway, it already appears that electric and hybrid cars are in the majority. Teslas are like fleas on a dog :ROFLMAO:
And it is a country with a low population and masses of hydro-electric power stations for a start. It is like saying "in Venice there are loads of gondolas - why don't we have them in Leeds?"
And it is a country with a low population and masses of hydro-electric power stations for a start. It is like saying "in Venice there are loads of gondolas - why don't we have them in Leeds?"
'Just ONE Cornetto?'
'Eeh, ah can remember when they came in a box of 3 and that still got change from a £...' :rolleyes:

@Prefab boy I would be more concerned about mpg and the ever increasing congestion zones over the next 10 years or so
if your budget stretches to any kind of Euro VI van you will be ok for quite a while.
A bigger unknown is when will they introduce the inevitable road pricing so we all end up paying something per mile.
Meanwhile the First Minister of Scotland has joined World Leaders in New York to present a speech on how the West is letting Lesser Developed Countries down by using fossil fuels ...

Of course, he could have made the speech via Zoom, but the Ministerial expenses would have been much less, and his wife would have to provide Mince and Tatties out of the housekeeping ...

Denmark just closed down their hydrogen filling stations due to little customers. Over here they are building hydrogen fuelcell trucks and busses with only 4 or 5 places to fill 🤦‍♂️
Looks like 2030 is going into 2035 watch this space 😆😆
But why have they dunn it ??? chasing votes , pressure from oil companies, because he's nice and is concerned about our empty pockets ,oh and no rise in interest rates
But why have they dunn it ??? chasing votes , pressure from oil companies, because he's nice and is concerned about our empty pockets ,oh and no rise in interest rates
Probably because they realise that it was un achievable Baz, they only changed it from 2035 to 2030 initially as they wanted to appear to be world leading. Did anyone expect any different really?
How long has it been since fiber optic internet landed and still only a fraction of the country have it along with mobile oh coverage, no did anyone think they could dig the whole of uk up and lay cables as think as an elphants trunk to service all the charging points required in 6 years time.
These are the people which left school and went to uni, all came out half daft, my old g dad called them educated nitwits.
Speaking of fibre optic, over here the power company who has the high voltage power lines all over the country, replaced one of the guard lines that run on top of the towers and protect from lightning, with fibre optic cables. Much cheaper than digging :)
How long has it been since fiber optic internet landed and still only a fraction of the country have it along with mobile oh coverage, no did anyone think they could dig the whole of uk up and lay cables as think as an elphants trunk to service all the charging points required in 6 years time.
These are the people which left school and went to uni, all came out half daft, my old g dad called them educated nitwits.
Been a few protest recently in Hull, seems some regulation/law whatever went in a few years back(?) that allows company’s to install telegraph poles without needing permission. Loads I’d streets I have been walking down now have a lovely smell of creosote in the sunshine, it’s the new poles. It’s broadband providers here that’s putting them up as well Trev.
Wouldn’t be so bad but footpath has been dug up twice in the last 12 months as well by broadband company’s. Would t you think they would put their heads together and all lay/replace stuff at the same time to save money and disruption?
Sorry, that may be a bit too much as it requires joined up thinking
Been a few protest recently in Hull, seems some regulation/law whatever went in a few years back(?) that allows company’s to install telegraph poles without needing permission. Loads I’d streets I have been walking down now have a lovely smell of creosote in the sunshine, it’s the new poles. It’s broadband providers here that’s putting them up as well Trev.
Wouldn’t be so bad but footpath has been dug up twice in the last 12 months as well by broadband company’s. Would t you think they would put their heads together and all lay/replace stuff at the same time to save money and disruption?
Sorry, that may be a bit too much as it requires joined up thinking
It is having "Targets" and signed SLA (service level agreements) that causes things to not happen in logical ways. digging a hole and keeping it open an extra day or 2 to update all the cables/pipework makes total sense, but whoever digs it has to fil in it within a certain time to avoid penalty fines. So digging the same hole 4 times is more expensive, creates more inconvience but is what we end up with :(

And it is nothing to do with "because it is government" - happens in the private sector and has done for many many many decades. I remember being told to drive down to Canterbury (maybe 250 mile round trip?) one New Years Eve in the 1980's to look at a computer terminal or printer. I didn't have any parts for it and unlikely to fix it but was ordered to go regardless as we were obliged to attend (not fix it mind, but just attend the site) within the set time. I could have instead picked up parts ready to go equipped the next working day first thing which would have been far more sensible, but no .... had to meet the SLA.

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