Should I buy an older motorhome with 2030 coming up

Been a few protest recently in Hull, seems some regulation/law whatever went in a few years back(?) that allows company’s to install telegraph poles without needing permission. Loads I’d streets I have been walking down now have a lovely smell of creosote in the sunshine, it’s the new poles. It’s broadband providers here that’s putting them up as well Trev.
Wouldn’t be so bad but footpath has been dug up twice in the last 12 months as well by broadband company’s. Would t you think they would put their heads together and all lay/replace stuff at the same time to save money and disruption?
Sorry, that may be a bit too much as it requires joined up thinking
Same in Fife, Neil. Scottish Gas Network replaced all the Gas Mains and eventually refilled the holes [after about 6 weeks, which put huge pressure on the available on-street parking]. After some 2 weeks with resurfaced roads and paths, the Fibre Broadband cowboys dug everything up again and left piles of tarmac, rubble, cable drums etc blocking road and footpaths; and the final phase coincided with Scottish Water digging more holes to renew Mains etc. And the finalé was a local building contractor digging the road up again to connect new services for a property he was refurbishing, leaving 1/2 of the road width with a 1m+ deep excavation for over 2 weeks ... 'There I was, digging this hole ...' as Bernard Cribbins might have sung

Been a few protest recently in Hull, seems some regulation/law whatever went in a few years back(?) that allows company’s to install telegraph poles without needing permission. Loads I’d streets I have been walking down now have a lovely smell of creosote in the sunshine, it’s the new poles. It’s broadband providers here that’s putting them up as well Trev.
Wouldn’t be so bad but footpath has been dug up twice in the last 12 months as well by broadband company’s. Would t you think they would put their heads together and all lay/replace stuff at the same time to save money and disruption?
Sorry, that may be a bit too much as it requires joined up thinking
Do that here, we had a nice new f walk done a few years back, 2 weeks later the gas co dug the path up, then a mth or so later broadband did the same to new green boxes, footpath needs redone now.
Been a few protest recently in Hull, seems some regulation/law whatever went in a few years back(?) that allows company’s to install telegraph poles without needing permission. Loads I’d streets I have been walking down now have a lovely smell of creosote in the sunshine, it’s the new poles. It’s broadband providers here that’s putting them up as well Trev.
Wouldn’t be so bad but footpath has been dug up twice in the last 12 months as well by broadband company’s. Would t you think they would put their heads together and all lay/replace stuff at the same time to save money and disruption?
Sorry, that may be a bit too much as it requires joined up thinking
I came home from a 3 month trip to Spain a couple of years ago to find BT Had installed a large green box in front of my Bungalow on the pavement right next to an existing one, all my protest went unheaded so I got our MP on it and the reply from her stated that BT have xart balance to install these boxes any where they like with no nerd for any permissions what so ever, the MP said she was gobsmacked to learn this too so what chance do we have, Every time I am out the front I give the box a good whack with the broom or whatever I am using at the time hee hee
Same here in Stoke, after 30 yrs our road was Resurfaced great Job ......only 12 mth later to be Dug up by the Water Board to install new Water mains & Meters to every household surely the Highway Agency new what the Water Boards proposals were .
Same here in Stoke, after 30 yrs our road was Resurfaced great Job ......only 12 mth later to be Dug up by the Water Board to install new Water mains & Meters to every household surely the Highway Agency new what the Water Boards proposals were .
You must be joking, left hand dont know what the right is doing.
Where we are touring at the moment, Norway, it already appears that electric and hybrid cars are in the majority. Teslas are like fleas on a dog :ROFLMAO:
We were there recently on a cruise and our tour guide said that something like 90% of cars are electric, and 75% of commercial vehicles. Everywhere you look there are car parks with 30 or so charging stations. We heard a noise. We looked around. Someone pointed: look, there's a petrol car!
The reason is that Norway generates so much electricity from its hydro power stations they have surplus, which they export to countries such as ours which can't be bothered to gather it free of charge from installing tidal generators, or rivers.
We did notice in Norway that the air was much fresher, and a delight to breathe, than here.
Mind you they also have huge reserves of oil, which of course they also sell to us. The net result is that every Norweigan is a millionaire as soon as they are born. Outside the Oil Museum (?Oslo) there is a 30ft long digital display board showing Norway's balance of payments - is that the right word? - 'Money in the bank' - from oil. The display board is continually updated and the number of dollars is so long you just count the number of commas every three digits. And sigh. How come they got all the dosh and we gave it away.
I to have oil deposits in my back yard, no one would give me any dollars for it, bit black and dirty mind you. 😂
Where we are touring at the moment, Norway, it already appears that electric and hybrid cars are in the majority. Teslas are like fleas on a dog :ROFLMAO:
Over 70% of new cars sold in Norway are reportedly EVs. However, they still don't have the public charging infrastructure to support those vehicles outside of the cities. For example, the part of Norway I know best are the Lofoten Islands (e.g. Harstad, Svolvaer, Å) has only five public charge points for a chain of islands over 100 miles long (and two of those are currently out of order). However, most of the major southern cities seem better served. That said, I also tried a Google Streetview "drive by" in Oslo to look at the parked cars and less than 2% were EVs in map images only a few months old (July 2023 typically). That said, with the levels of subsidy their government is offering, I suspect you'd need to be mad to not choose an EV if you live down south or can always recharge at home... But I suspect those subsidies must some day stop...
I ask myself why dont the lecy cars have solar printed on roof hood and boot, well its because in the m trade they like to use the carrot and donky thing each few years to us buying, i dont fall for that one.
I ask myself why dont the lecy cars have solar printed on roof hood and boot, well its because in the m trade they like to use the carrot and donky thing each few years to us buying, i dont fall for that one.
The reason is that you would only get max. 400W if the whole roof and boot was covered with panels wheras the car needs many Kwh to push itself along.
The reason is that you would only get max. 400W if the whole roof and boot was covered with panels wheras the car needs many Kwh to push itself along.
Perhaps not -- in the right setting. The Aptera is a lightweight, 2-seat 3-wheeler covered in solar panels. In (say) a Californian summer, those panels can provide up to 40 miles ranger per day and the claimed range is from 250 to 1,000 miles depending on battery pack size. They claim the car consumes 100 Wh/mile and so that 40 miles per day equates to 4 kWh (which equates to 10 hours x 400 W). Not so good in UK, however ...

I came home from a 3 month trip to Spain a couple of years ago to find BT Had installed a large green box in front of my Bungalow on the pavement right next to an existing one, all my protest went unheaded so I got our MP on it and the reply from her stated that BT have xart balance to install these boxes any where they like with no nerd for any permissions what so ever, the MP said she was gobsmacked to learn this too so what chance do we have, Every time I am out the front I give the box a good whack with the broom or whatever I am using at the time hee hee
Tie a lump hammer onto the broom head, only to give more pressure for the sweeping, you undersdtand
Now been put back to 2035 but ther will always be diesel on pumps
Now put back to 2035, but I'm not so sure that there will always be diesel at the pumps. I suspect that, just as we're now seeing LPG pumps replaced by EV charge points because there aren't enough LPG-powered cars to warrant the expense of maintaining those pumps, the diesel pumps will go as number of diesel-powered vehicles gets too small to warrant the expense of maintaining diesel pumps. I suspect that haulage companies will install their own pumps (where they haven't already got them) to serve their own fleets -- and might even collaborate, but feel there is a real danger that diesel will ultimately cease to be available for consumers.
Don’t forget bio fuels, I may have misheard (probably did) but thought Sebastian Vettel spoke about racing with bio diesel at last weekends F1 GP. May have just said bio fuel though. Saying that diesel had easy wind at Le Mans a few years back so who lnows
FWIW, I'm not forgetting biofuels. AIUI, there still is a de minimis and those who use SVO, WCO (straight vegetable oil, waste cooking oil [both filtered, of course!]) or make their own biodiesel don't need to pay tax on the fuel if they use less than 2,500 litres per annum. For that, this might end up as main or even the only route if my hunch is correct and commercial diesel supplies disappear from the public domain.
FWIW2, I used to run a 1995 Pajero 2.8 on 20% WCO and know people who ran their cars on 100% WCO with a pre-heater. They would start and shut down their cars on mineral diesel and switch to WCO once up to temperature. Goat Industries used to maintain a database of vehicles that could run on SVO ( but that no longer seems to work. However, there is still some good info on that site for anyone wanting info on making their own biofuels...

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