Weather Report..................

23 degrees.
Lightly overcast.
Gentle SSW breeze.
Not a day for sitting outside a bar, nattering and getting round the odd beer, reading a book under a shady tree, or doing admin stuff..
Looks like a choice between doing jobs around the apartment or going shopping.
Mustn't complain, though.
I've photos of the Mont from the days when we overnighted beneath it. It was lovely to see it at night.

Today with be 15 degrees, with sunshine and perhaps the occasional shower and a light breeze. ⛅🌦️⛅
It's already lovely and bright, with light cloud, a moderate SW breeze, and 15 degree high. A dry day, but much later this evening some rain will creep in. ⛅⛅🌦️
Improving on yesterday's weather.
It IS a day for nattering outside a bar, drinking beer. 27° whaft of a breeze.

Other options might be subject to decisions from Management