Weather Report..................

Have they still got Deer, on the Chase?
They tip toe in, after dusk you you might hear some odd chomping and snuffling.
Put an outside light on and see the eerie pale green, luminous eyes...
Yes, they've still got red deer on the Chase, along with adders, lizards, nightjar, and people...... hundreds of 'em.

It's fast turning into a hot sweaty evening and the decent thing to do is to visit (yet another) pub. If the rooster crows in the middle of the night again, I'll eat him tomorrow. 😈 😱 😂
They are a big delicacy here. Braised forever in a witches brew of herbs and garlic.
You know that he has strutted, and ruled the roost until he's past his sh*G by date.
It happens to us all.
Definitely a darkened room and air conditioning day.
For a bit of nostalgia we're on our way home via a village in Cambridgeshire where we used to live.

It's far too warm at 28 degrees, but the breeze helps. Lunch stop before heading south, with even warmer weather the further south we drive. ☀️☀️☀️
It's very close to where Rob lives. 😂

But they've changed all the roads since we moved south, and instead of waving at his house as we drove by, we continued to somewhere that we did remember. 👍
It was circa 29 degrees earlier today, and even at this time of night it's still far too warm at 13 degrees. There's a light NE breeze which will help cool things down.

Emptying the van and a thorough clean can wait, because there's grass to cut.

Our immediate neighbours move to new lives near Saintes tomorrow, and we plan to meet up to wish them well. 👍
We've a veering light breeze, a bright blue sky, and the temperature will hit a ridiculous 27 degrees. ☀️ 😱 ☀️

It's too early to cut the grass, and will empty the van instead. 🙂