Weather Report..................

It's beautiful, a clear blue sky, not too hot for me at 23 degrees, and a light cooling breeze. ☀️☀️☀️

It's the third day for Eastbourne's 'Airborne' and we'll all be looking skywards. 👍
Nice enough up here for a wee wander around the Banchory Steam Rally. Must be well over 50 tractors of various ages and states of repair plus all the obligatory traction engines and those weird stationary steam engines that seem to fascinate so many people! Great turnout, probably due to the weather.
We've a bright, dry, day, with light cloud and 23 degree high. The final day for Eastbourne's 'Airborne', so we'll be in the garden looking up. ☀️⛅⛅
After overnight rain the day will continue with scattered showers. It'll turn dry with extensive sunshine, although some clouds can be expected around noon. A bit breezy, with a 21 degree high. 🌦️☁️⛅