Weather Report..................

Sorry, Bill , somehow my frosted windscreen jibe has been included in your quote.

I still haven't managed to tame this wild bouncing cursor.
Pauljenny;n9429 said:
Sorry, Bill , somehow my frosted windscreen jibe has been included in your quote.

I still haven't managed to tame this wild bouncing cursor.

With my amazing superpowers I tried to edit it for you, but my i pad could not cope!

Edited to add I persisted and managed to do it ?
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Just to make it clear that you've never posted a snide jibe in your life.... And probably never will.
Pauljenny;n9416 said:

Look at how The Aussies are marmalising our poor boys.
I have to be awake at 4 am to endure that.

No you don't. You can drown your sorrows when following on iPlayer catch-up at brandy time.
(If you use a VPN or similar).

Colin ???
2cv;n9417 said:
Some forecasters say that there may be disruptive snow in South East England later in the week. I just saw some valuable advice

Absolutely wrong. I've had to endure northerners whingeing on about awful weather and how their lives are disrupted by it for most of the two weeks I've been suffering drought conditions and exposure to high levels of UV radiation on the Canary Islands. Feeling I should do my bit I rushed back to the UK, arriving in the early hours of this morning. What do I find? What us southerners describe as mild weather. Followed by a totally stress free potter around 180° of the M25.
So don't give me all that tough northerners rubbish - it simply doesn't stand up to scrutiny.
Oh, and any northerners venturing south of Watford this winter should bring copious amounts of sun cream.

Colin ???
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Marginally cooler than Lanzarote here in Hertfordshire. Probably best that northerners stock up on sun cream if venturing south.

Colin ???
Welcome back,Colin.
Another triumph of accuracy from the weather forecasters.
We were told to expect 2 degrees tonight.

Instead, we're heating the whole house with 800 watts of halogen heater.

Pauljenny;n9603 said:
Welcome back,Colin.
Another triumph of accuracy from the weather forecasters.
We were told to expect 2 degrees tonight.

Instead, we're heating the whole house with 800 watts of halogen heater.

That's a bit excessive, Paul. We're managing quite well with a candle.

Colin ???
Tes;n9635 said:
Dull and cold.

That's being a bit harsh on the over worked other half, Tes.
Dry and grey here as well.

Colin ???
Another bright,cool afternoon. Shopping in the " Big Town", Sao Bras. Quite a drive uphill..
10 degrees, streets almost deserted, what few people, who did venture out, were all bundled up in winter hats and coats... Looking like Wombles.

No regrets about having a large Brandy to help the coffee go down..
Back down the hills to our village, it was a17 degrees.Lunched outside. Long sleeves and socks very much needed.
Pauljenny;n9770 said:
Another bright,cool afternoon. Shopping in the " Big Town", Sao Bras. Quite a drive uphill..
10 degrees, streets almost deserted, what few people, who did venture out, were all bundled up in winter hats and coats... Looking like Wombles.

No regrets about having a large Brandy to help the coffee go down..
Back down the hills to our village, it was a17 degrees.Lunched outside. Long sleeves and socks very much needed.

Thanks Paul. It's still very grey (though dry) here in Herts. And the temperature is falling rapidly.

Colin :smile::smile::smile:
Guess what the Glasgow weather has been today

Well it looks like those in Scotland might have to batten down the hatches as storm Caroline is about to hit! Bringing snow plunging temperatures and gusts of 80mph so if on your travels up there stay safe!! For us oop norf i.e. Newcastle where they never wear coats when going out it has been a lovely day chilly but dry!
Looks sleepy with the need for coffee and a chance of drowsiness later on.
oh the weather, not me. in that case still cold and dull.