Weather Report..................

Surely you mean HASN'T been serviced! :ROFLMAO::LOL::cool: :)

No, Marie. It's definitely been serviced.
I'll double check the filter tomorrow at first light just in case the technician's workmanship isn't up to his usual standard.

Colin :):):)
merry christmas, its a grey drizzly day, here in Glasson Dock Lancaster, very cold and very frosty last night, so todays temperatures are not what we thought we would get at the end of that, but everybody isn't taking much of todays weather there are other things on their minds and smiles all over their faces, I sat here people watching
Merry Xmas from The Algarve.
Lord knows what time we got back last night,/ this morning...
They tell me I enjoyed it.
Cold 8 degrees at 8 pm soon blew away the cobwebs. A big breakfast helped, too.
By 11, we were having rummy coffees under the olive tree.
17 at lunch, on the terrace .
I remember going to the sherwood rangers tower and it was very overcast. The young lass on the gate said "sorry i'm closing early. It's gonna lash it down"
That was ten years ago and my kids still snigger when we describe a downpour that way.
My boss always says "were gonna get a kelshing "
As promised I've checked out the smug filter and have to report that there is a problem despite (in fact possibly because of) the recent service. One of the seals is damaged where the housing attaches to the main body resulting in a relatively large leak. I've contacted the guy who did the service but he won't come out over the holiday.
I've located a seal but it will take some days to be shipped from the UK, by which time I will have moved on. Putting all this together means that I'll be without an effective smug filter until I return to the Beautiful Island. Apologies to all who will suffer as a result.
No wonder Paul has major difficulties in this area.

Yesterday was a lovely warm day (at times hot) with plenty of blue. Today started with cloud but that is now gradually thinning and the temperature is rising rapidly.
On a positive note at least the filter has managed to hold back a rather good photo which some may have found disturbing!

Colin ???