Weather Report..................

woke up to dull day...ptpbably rain later................feels rather cold ....however....weatherman saysa is about 12 degrees....certainly doesnt feel like it............still in n. east.....
Sunny again here today and once again it’s unusually mild with a slight breeze! Has someone forgot to tell the weather that it’s supposed to be winter!!(not complaining though) ❄️ ?
[QUOTE="trixie88, post: 76316,

a;; have a good day.............oh and mr pomegranate man....STOP TORMENTING us lot over[/QUOTE]

Me ? Tormenting ?
I'll have you know, Young Lady, I've fitted the best smug filter that the Chinese sell....!

By gum, it were freezing last night.. !Down to 4 degrees round the north facing front door , She reported.

Dipped our soldiers outside at 14 degrees, sheltered from the stiff NE breeze.
A visiting Golden Oriole piped up, announcing it's presence, without any reply. Azure winged Magpies and Green Cockatoos are about. A small Woodpecker was working away in the Carob Tree.
We've noticed that only one Cockerel has been crowing, since Xmas. Usually 4 or more others join in , to compete.
, but not now.
Mind you, Boiled Cock is a traditional Algarve festive dish....
Wishing all the weather watchers a serene, uneventful and happy New Year.
We had a pleasant walk, this morning, gentle afternoon, on the terrace and are going down to the coast for the lights and Fireworks, tonight.
Might just try this wildcamping thing....just to see.if we like it.
[QUOTE="trixie88, post: 76316,

a;; have a good day.............oh and mr pomegranate man....STOP TORMENTING us lot over

Me ? Tormenting ?
I'll have you know, Young Lady, I've fitted the best smug filter that the Chinese sell....!

By gum, it were freezing last night.. !Down to 4 degrees round the north facing front door , She reported.

Dipped our soldiers outside at 14 degrees, sheltered from the stiff NE breeze.
A visiting Golden Oriole piped up, announcing it's presence, without any reply. Azure winged Magpies and Green Cockatoos are about. A small Woodpecker was working away in the Carob Tree.
We've noticed that only one Cockerel has been crowing, since Xmas. Usually 4 or more others join in , to compete.
, but not now.
Mind you, Boiled Cock is a traditional Algarve festive dish....[/QUOTE]

Brilliant news, from Blighty.
You deserve it..Enjoy it.

We eventually thawed out, after last night's 5 degrees, watching the fireworks, kissing strangers,( who will probably have given us pneumonia ).. Brandy and hot chocolate, cures most ailments at 1.30 am.
Modesty forbids me from attaching photos of what's going on, on our terrace... There's naked bits and empty Fizz bottles involved.
If 2019 continues like this... We'll be too knackered to complain..
And that's with the smug filter stripped-down, emptied and brassoed.