Weather Report..................

6 degrees, early doors. Now a lovely clear, calm day.
Sandals and tee shirt weather.
We'll go for a stroll, methinks.
If 2019 gets no worse than this... I'll save a fortune on the brandy bill.
loooooverly here in the n.east this morning.......brekki outside again......just the job.........clouding over a bit now tho.........would have been a nice morning to have got the grass cut..............but daughter said NO.
Time to get dressed and go indoors .
Cloud free day, no rain forecast.
We've got about 3 weeks water in the cisterns.
I'm now back in Hertfordshire after my extended wander around south west Europe and I'm engaging with the real world.
Smug filter seals changed and fully functional.

Colin ???

Yet another lovely day here in NE Scotland without a cloud in the sky but very cold. -8deg C last night and still -2degC in the shade now. Now, did I drain the van properly and is that oil filled radiator switched on?!
Management reported 4 degrees, early doors.. I don't think she had time to read the thermometer, she was outside for less than 20 seconds. I wasn't interested .
cloudy and hazy , what little breeze has swapped from northerly to SW. max of 14 degrees.
Socks and sleeves weather... plus 2 jumpers on.
4 degrees outside... Certainly won't get any warmer before sun-up.
It's a 3 dimplex evening. We're wandering around wearing layers of winter clothing.
We look like a couple of wombles !
Less than 30 hours ago, I was working on my all over suntan.
Hertfordshire is chilly but residing under a wonderfully clear blue sky.
So I'll pop over to the Thames estuary in Essex to see the Grandsprogs.
I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing them. It's been too long since my departure from the Beautiful Island three months ago.

Colin :):):)
Another dry, overcast and slightly chilly day in Blackpool. Can’t complain for the time of year though.

Hertfordshire is chilly but residing under a wonderfully clear blue sky.
So I'll pop over to the Thames estuary in Essex to see the Grandsprogs.
I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing them. It's been too long since my departure from the Beautiful Island three months ago.

Colin :):):)
Get yer binoculars out, while you're there, Colin.
Have a look across to Kent... I've not heard anything about Benny The Beluga... Is he still about ?

Here ? 8 degrees at 8.30. Light cloud, gentle NE breeze.
Max of 15.
Tracky bottoms, light sweater,socks.
Definitely qualifies as a brandy with coffee day.