Weather Report..................

Strange layer of white covering everything out there this morning.
Whatever it was hated the glorious sunshine so possibly something from Transylvania?

I'm taking the Moho and sunshine down to the Côte du Sud.
The folks currently down there don't get much - or so I've heard.

Colin ???
Walked damply to the village. There was a big funeral at the church. The coffee machine was being serviced, at the bakery. Streets crowded with glum strangers, in black.
It's Shrove Tuesday today, the Carnival, before Lent kicks in.
Hardly a carnival atmosphere in the village.
A large brandy, when the coffees finally materialised, cheered me up, somewhat.
Just enough drizzle, to clean the roof off, so I'll hook up and avoid having to go outside, when the real rain is due to arrive at 3am.
woke early this morning.....someting in the sky shinning bright.......went back to time i woke ...big red thing in sky was nowhere to be seen......didnt get up till 1am....since then its been popping in and out...quite windy and rather cold.............could hust do with lazing in some waaarrrmmmm sunshine for a few days...........maybe if i wave me majic wand????????
I arrived sur la Côte du Sud yesterday afternoon together with the container of sunshine I brought from Hertfordshire.
That's the good news.
The bad news is that in my rush to get going and relieve the weather poverty down here by the sea I hadn't sealed the container properly. So the sunshine escaped en route.
And I therefore arrived under a grey sky with intermittent showers.
Things progressively worsened so throughout the night we were buffeted by strong winds and at times heavy rain.
This morning the sea is dominated by white horses and everything else is grey.
Oh, and the Moho is still being rocked by the wind.

And all because of a poorly sealed sunshine container.

Colin ???
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We had a similar sight from our windows at 7am, Marie.
The rain blew in dead on 4am and a series of squalls followed.
it's gusty and brighter.
No plans to go outside.
We have just had a visit from Ken, Val , Lee and Linda. Like their previous vist, they brought rain, when we needed it.
The Mayor , a neighbour, told me that my moho friends are more than welcome.
He even said he had space for a couple of vans on his villa frontage.
I'm sure we could rustle up a small consideration.. probably very small.
We managed lunch outside, inbetween squally showers