Weather Report..................

I wouldn’t bother I am strictly a Smirnoff lady the rest taste like lighter fuel ??
There's lighter fuel and lighter fuel..
Maybe you started off with the wrong brand?
I used to love a Ronson and tonic..
Turning nippy outside. Wind has dropped. No rain forecast until tomorrow teatime.
It’s been a miserable day today then the wind got up around tea time and it was so cold ? the forecast said it was going to be-4 tonight and colder in some parts..Bbbbrrrr
Cold ,northerly winds.
A totally unexpected 3 hours of good rain, put another 3 weeks worth into the cisterns, overnight.
Brightened up by lunchtime now 20• in the sheltered shade.
Might have to brush up my G&T building skills, if this carries on.
A light frost on the grass sur la Cote du Soud-Est this morning with unbroken blue above and beyond the relatively calm sea.
So we drove north into unbroken grey territory where apparently the local seal population have eaten what I'd hoped to eat for this evening's meal.
I hope they have severe indigestion.

Colin :):):)
Nice one Lee.
Nobody could accuse you of smugness.
We are just back from a pensioner's treat, way up in the hills.
Prawns and salmon, wild boar, turkey steaks in creamy mushroom sauce... Helped down with moderate glasses of red wine and the home distilled fire water, for pudding.
We could see the coastline from Spain to Faro, from the car park. And every star in the firmament.
Who needs telly ?
A light frost on the grass sur la Cote du Soud-Est this morning with unbroken blue above and beyond the relatively calm sea.
So we drove north into unbroken grey territory where apparently the local seal population have eaten what I'd hoped to eat for this evening's meal.
I hope they have severe indigestion.

Colin :):):)
Sorry boys but my van is not back looks like Monday or even Tuesday before I get it back so cote du soud-est is probably off the cards but I may have to settle for a run to cote est du Yorkshire just to test the van.??