Weather Report..................

I awoke to a grey sky and dry drive in Herts.
So I set off for a bike ride.
As expected from the forecast, it started raining after about 8km. Nonetheless, I pressed on forwards whilst the rain pressed on downwards then, once I was wet through, I turned and arrived home just as the rain stopped.
This afternoon the wetness has returned to Hertfordshire so I plan to settle down with a book for a couple of hours.
I can't wait for Camp Motorhomer at Hereford next week when we'll be able to bask in the glorious sunshine that Phil will have organised.

Colin ???
It was chucking it down as I drifted off to sleep last night in Hertfordshire.
Then this morning I woke to a clear sky - and yes, I'm still in Hertfordshire!
There's apparently little chance of daytime rain for the rest of the weekend so for the next couple of days my activity pallet is very much something for inspiration and choice.

Colin ???
Replacement bus got us to Picadilly faster than the tram would..
.Breezy, but the sun broke through. I had to rummage through the luggage, to locate my sunglasses and dust them off.
The train left..ON TIME .. Mind you, we have to change at Wolverhampton... Anything could happen.