Weather Report..................

Full Member;n18945 said:
Lee;n18923 said:
I had no idea that your memory of me in pink shorts would last so long, Lee! I'm on the Ebro delta in brilliant sun and a howling north wind of about 11°C. It's fine sitting here outside in the shelter of the Moho having lunch but definitely not in shorts, pink or otherwise!
It seems that Carrerasax has the same wind further down the coast.
On the way here this morning it was like following a line of drunken cars and trucks - the wind had us wandering all over the place.

Colin ???

The Ebro delta is very interesting are you at the aire outside the restaurant and tourist centre, we've been a couple of times, they do an interesting Paella dish using the local rice.
I can imagine how cold it can be, there's not a lot to stop the wind.
I can only hope it warms up for you, we will be down that way in a couple of weeks, keep the weather posts coming.
Pauljenny;n18976 said:
We took the side road , snaking down the Northern side of the Ebro valley. A WOW !!! moment at every bend, eventually following the river to Tortosa.. Where we had an adventure .. ( another story, another day ).
Wouldn't like to have made that trip in the current weather.
We've a pleasant winter day, mixed clouds, 16 degrees in the sun, sheltered from the north wind.

I'm guessing that you followed the Ebro in the hills, Paul. I'm on the delta which is as flat as rice fields (which is one of the crops here). The view from any bend is the same as the view from all previous and all the following bends.
It's still windy and about 11°C. The forecast for the next few days is looking promising.

Colin ???
Lee;n18979 said:
Full Member;n18945 said:
The Ebro delta is very interesting are you at the aire outside the restaurant and tourist centre, we've been a couple of times, they do an interesting Paella dish using the local rice.
I can imagine how cold it can be, there's not a lot to stop the wind.
I can only hope it warms up for you, we will be down that way in a couple of weeks, keep the weather posts coming.

I'm at an Aire on the outskirts of Deltebre, close to Lidl, Lee. I walked around the town earlier and everything was shut - either for the winter or perhaps it's half day opening on Thursdays?
As you say, there's absolutely nothing to stop the wind. There's about 10 Mohos here, all trying to get shelter from others. It's hilarious watching some of them try 10 or so spots (I'm not exaggerating!) before putting the coffee on. One Dutch couple were shunting and shuffling on and off for at least 20 minutes before finally settling where they started. It passes the time.

Colin ???
oldish hippy;n18994 said:
simply answer put nose into wind as it aero shaped

How dare you, Barrie. I'll have you know that I've often been complimented on the rather aristocratic shape of my nose.

Colin ???
Full Member;n18995 said:
How dare you, Barrie. I'll have you know that I've often been complimented on the rather aristocratic shape of my nose.

Colin ???
Are you sure you aren't of Italian aristocracy, you have that swarthy Mediterranean look about you.
Lee;n18997 said:
Are you sure you aren't of Italian aristocracy, you have that swarthy Mediterranean look about you.

A contract is an option. Tread carefully. Very carefully.

I'll probably leave for the UK around the end of January, Lee. Do you plan to be in Spain by then?

Colin ???
Full Member;n19000 said:
A contract is an option. Tread carefully. Very carefully.

I'll probably leave for the UK around the end of January, Lee. Do you plan to be in Spain by then?

Colin ???

WE leave on the 20th January but we are still not sure of a route, it's weather dependant.
Pauljenny;n19026 said:
That's how Jenny describes me !

Hmm ? here’s me thinking that you are a Romeo Paul
I'm not able to delete this former post but can change it to this!

Colin ???
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Thanks Lee. I'm wondering if a mini-meet somewhere along the Mediterranean coast could be an option.
Whatever the weather, have a safe trip.

Colin ???
