Weather Report..................


West Wales

'Nuff said

(Managed to get a whole day in the garden yesterday mind, despite early showers but the forecast for today - which has changed since last night - seems to be for showers all day. At least it looks set fair in Southampton for the cricket though :) )
Wont comment on cricket GMJ, hows Wales just now for being invaded by the screaming hoards of tourists? G.

It's picked up where we live, noticeably. The local car park to Brechfa Forest is closed as they are logging near there however it hasn't stopped people from parking through the village.

The pub opened outdoors a couple of weeks ago and have been doing good trade. The voucher scheme cuts in from this week so they are opening indoors from this week too.

Local news reports large crowds at the coast.
Last evening we tested Mr. Sunak's 'Eat Out To Help Out' offer and enjoyed a great meal at an excellent price.
Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Taxpayer.
Then this morning the weather in Hertfordshire was great.
So I've come over to Essex, where the weather is also wonderful. This evening we'll have a repeat of Mr. Sunak's kind offer of the taxpayer's money, though this time it will be a fish restaurant overlooking the Thames estuary, methinks.
It would be churlish not to.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Last evening we tested Mr. Sunak's 'Eat Out To Help Out' offer and enjoyed a great meal at an excellent price.
Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Taxpayer.
Then this morning the weather in Hertfordshire was great.
So I've come over to Essex, where the weather is also wonderful. This evening we'll have a repeat of Mr. Sunak's kind offer of the taxpayer's money, though this time it will be a fish restaurant overlooking the Thames estuary, methinks.
It would be churlish not to.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
So ..
There are now 12 days to use your discount.
That's 36 meals
Breakfast at Macdonald's, Lunch at Burger King.. Dinner at Nandos .

Then eat nothing but salad for the following 4 days .
That way, you might not upset Boris, by putting on weight .
What a cunning plan.!
Weather is stil hot and now claggy .

No sign of Ken's rain, though .
It would be nice, but our winds are NW .
Don't know about shy Chris, its totally withdrawn here, plus its allowed some showers and a cool moderate breeze, in fact, its autumnal 🤔
Over the last 20 summers in the van,
We often sensed that the last week in July, started to feel and smell like Autumn
2 days ago, our Altrincham family were eating their first wild blackberry crumble.
We'd have been picking them with them, normally, and leaving UK with a freezer full, in mid September
More rain in west Wales and looks set for the day too.

Yesterday it rained all day and with squally wind. It was chilly too...more like October than August!