Weather Report..................

Essex is very warm - in fact verging on hot, hot, hot.
It's currently 34°C with virtually no air movement, so perfect indoor decorating conditions.
Oh, no it's not.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Essex is very, very still and right now it's about 23°C.
The ground has the merest hint of precipitation, as though someone stayed up all night spraying the surrounding countryside with a plant mister.
Plenty of sun is expected again today with temperatures above 30°C ............... which should encourage the paint to dry, though hopefully not before it's left the brush.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
We seem to have our own micro climate, this side of the hill.
Forecast is unbroken sunshine, 34 degrees max, Westerly breezes.
What we have, like yesterday, is grey cloud, sticky armpits, and SE breezes.
They can't even predict the wind direction.
Mustn't grumble, though ..
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Cloudy but promising here in west Wales!

Thunder and lightening storms forecast for tonight though