Weather Report..................

One word: rain!

'Nuff said from west Wales
Herts can match all that's been posted and raise you all some.
It's miserable and we don't have any snow to play in.
I thought that I'd compare that with a couple of days ago when I was out on the bike collecting holly for indoor decorations


......and way above me a thrush was testing his crop:


Colin :):):)
Lovely sunny day .
But nippy.. 10 degrees at dawn .
18 at lunch.
No rain here, they were just kidding us.
Surprise visit of the builders.. They're laying the tiles on the new S.E. Terrace.
7 degrees forecast overnight.
Management is trying to remember where she hid the thermals.
Moist, grey , drizzle.
11 degrees.
Perfect rainbow, cheered us up.
We might see 5 degrees for the next few nights
We will only see it..
Not planning to venture out in it, though.
Well, we’ve had the lot today. Woke to dark cloud, 1 degree , then the sky cleared and the sun came out, then a few clouds and a light snow shower. Decided to go for a walk, now 3 degrees, more cloud and it rained, sun came out for a bit then clouds came over and we had a heavy snow shower. It’s sunny again now.
And all before midday!
So, we both settled down in front of the fire with one of these each.......
It’s compulsory here
