Weather Report..................

It's a very mild 9°C in Herts with occasional light rain showers. By lunchtime the rain is forecast to stop and patches of blue to start - and that's when I'll get out and enjoy the countryside.

Colin :):):)
It turned out to be an N.G.O. Day.
Not Going Out..
Could be worse, could have been bogged down on a muddy campsite in Bridlington.
It's days like this when we realise why we decided to self exile, when first going full time motohoming.

Done sod all, spent most of the day doing it and talking about what we'll do when we are allowed to travel again.

Looks like a similar day tomorrow.
Thank goodness we've got unlimited phone minutes and texts.

Had the phone on charge all day.
Kept Management occupied.
Goodnight Blighty.
Keep warm.
Not too sad, Bill
It's given us chance to do non urgent things.
That garden can be a real time bandit.
Stripped and cleaned Jenny's blood test kits , calibrated blood pressure monitor and updated some passwords.
If we can get some more N.G.O.s,
I can even get round to renewing our passports, online. ( Lord only knows when we'll be able to use them..!
It's not as if we can jump in the car and go somewhere.
Complete lockdown from 1pm, tomorrow until 5 am Monday.
I have bottle of LBV Port, to help me through.
Hints of blue, dry but forecast rain. We are locked down to council area for weekend but prepared. Got four books out of the elibrary which I plan to binge. Dave happy building his toolshed out of the previous logstore! Till it rains, then he is decorating the bedroom...
No rain forecast for overnight and today.
Management put a washerload on, using cheap rate electrify, overnight.
The washer went in to final spin about 6am.
Just as I was woken by rain pitter pattering , on the roof.
Luckily, it's cleared away now and a breeze has arrived, unannounced..