Weather Report..................

Rain forecast for next ten days, except Saturday when we only have 23% likelihood of rain, Light winds to accompany it.
Just as well we are locked down.....Dave has sorted the leaky roof , just testing it now!
Got more oranges for marmalade and juice. Good job I also have sewing, books and baking.....
Glorious gentle, warmish rain. Not as much as forecast .

Not the type that washes our lane away. ( Please God ).

What more could we want, in February.

Alas we won't be able to blow our Euromillions winnings....
All 4.01 Euros of it.
It's about 6°C hereabouts with a very thin mist and a gentle breeze.
The weather system of interest to us Hertfordshire dwellers is moving eastwards - and it very much looks as though it will be delivering rain this afternoon.
So a bike ride as soon as the bread is out of the oven!

Colin :):):)
Yesterday Cheshire was treated to another sunshine filled day, so another woodland walk with the grandkids and a bit of den building. sunshine start again today but quickly clouded up, staying dry so far ...........
I had a really enjoyable bike ride up into Bedfordshire this morning. 10 minutes after I'd put the Brompton back in the garage it tipped down.
Sometimes, just sometimes, I get it right and feel it's OK to be smug for a moment or two.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Herts is dry, mild and (intermittently) sunny this morning.
I really don't want to think about the weather that's currently on it's way to us from the east.
As a friend in the former GDR used to say ........ "The Russians never send us anything we want".

Colin :):):)