Weather Report..................

We have a light cover of snow in Hertfordshire with very fine snowflakes falling and joining those on the ground.
It looks attractive but certainly not particularly 'interesting'.
I think I'll give the bike ride a miss today since the small wheels on the Brompton really don't like hidden potholes and ruts.
So it's a long tramp instead, methinks.

Colin :):):)
Good luck to you all.

Heavy overnight rain, clear morning
9 degrees .
Enough lovely pure water until Mid April.
Wind has eased.
Might just be able to get into the garden before drizzle is _forecast_ to return, this afternoon.
It's -3°C in Herts with a mainly clear sky and patchy blue forecast for the rest of the day. The combination of blue sky and a thin white covering on the ground is very attractive.
A chilly bike ride is a 100%......... possibility.
We'll see.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
It’s a very pretty scene here this morning with plenty of lying snow. -1 degree and dry at present, but more heavy snow showers later to add to the depth. It’s quite a novelty as it doesn’t snow here often. We missed the Beast from the East as we were away so it’s good to be able to see it this time. ☃️☃️☃️
An N.G.O day.
Heating on.
We'd rather be warm and poor, than cold and rich.