Weather Report..................

It was pretty much perfect cycling weather this morning. The Herts snowdrops have been up for about two weeks, the golden crocuses have been up for about a week - and now it's time for the blue/purple crocuses:


Not only that but once again it started raining in anger 20 minutes after I got home and hasn't stopped all afternoon.
My luck just has to run out soon!

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Herts has been covered in glorious sunshine this morning, and my bike ride up onto the Chilterns yielded some lovely far-distant views.
On the return leg clouds started to build from the east and about 10 km from home I had a few spots of rain fall on me. Then the sun dried it off.
Even now, an hour or more since I returned, it's still sunny and warm behind glass.
I'm trying to sort out in my mind whether this is all a matter of luck or something to do with the righteous.
The Netherlands Meteorological Office have named the imminent weather event Storm Darcy. That might call for a snow plough on the front of the Brompton.

Colin :):):)
The breeze here in Herts was at about 0°C at dawn but has been gradually dropping since.
We've had a few snowflakes fall so I decided to strip, clean and regrease the non-folding pedal on the Brompton. Did you know that these pedals have 28 ~1.5mm diameter balls in the bearings? And that if one is dropped on a standard garage floor it's quite difficult to find? Oh well, as Bill said in about 1603, "All's Well That Ends Well".
So I popped out in an easterly direction to fight against Darcy for a few kilometres until the next flurry hit me and then turned to be blown home.
I enjoyed that.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
-1 degree this morning, but calm and dry. Possible snow shower later, but it said the same yesterday and there was none. Perhaps more chance of snow tonight, it would make things look prettier from the confines of the house, 🥶⛅☃️