Weather Report..................

We expected -8°C in Herts overnight but in fact it only fell to -3°C, mainly because we donated our surplus to those north of the border.
Big hearted Southerners or what?
Right now it's snowing. Very, very fine snow. More like dust than snow.
It's relatively toasty out there at -1°C, so I'll pop out for a bike ride once the deflated front wheel is leak-free and reflated.

Colin :):):)
Bright and breezy start, hard frost and a real feel of -6, so positively balmy compared with further north. The experts reckon the wind will shift round to a southerly on Sunday so we should see the temperatures start to lift. No doubt Colin will then be sharing some dampness to wash away the residual snow and ice 🙂
We still have the tiny balls on icy snow punching holes in the old fluffy snow. 😂

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It never snows when it hails as well, you're so lucky up there in Bradford.

I've just been out for a walk, it started chilly about -2 or so finished in beautiful sunshine and about 0. It was bit disappointing that there was no haw frost on the trees but never mind.❄❄
Glorious sunshine here but bitterly cold need to nip to the shop as we are having home made pizza tonight and I’ve run out of herbs well the ones I need at least. 👍

Strangely enough, Annie, we've planned homemade pizza for tomorrow evening.
Buon appetito!

Colin :):):)