Weather Report..................

Mizzle most of yesterday but we are still being promised 5 days of no rain here in west Wales. It's grey and misty at the moment and we had a frost pvernight!
It's 8°C and grey in Herts with not a huge chance of anything brighter for the coming few hours.
On a positive note it's calm and dry, which I can cope with very well indeed.

Colin :):):)
Yes lovely here in west Wales all day. I had a couple of hours in the garden this morning and we also took our morning coffee outside in the garden for the first time this year. Mrs GMJ also hung some washing out...again, a first this year. Then after lunch then we went for a bike ride on our new ebikes.

Lovely :)
A grey and overcast start to the day here in west wales but its still early. We had another frost overnight.

I should be able to get back in the garden again this morning though. Our green bin collection started last week so I like to get it filled again and get my money's worth.
It's just 6°C here in Herts with an overcast sky. We've already had a few raindrops, though only enough to dampen both the ground and spirits.
A quick look at the rain radar suggests that the dampening will last on and off for a large part of the day.
May I ask that those of you who'll be enjoying coffee in the sunshine this morning spare a thought for those less fortunate?
Thank you.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
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