Weather Report..................

Cloudy here in west Wales but no rain forecast....for the next 5 days!!!

Well how wrong was that hoyed down all afternoon yesterday!!!

Cloudy today her in west Wales...and dare I say it? No rain forecast for the next 5 days!
Don't forget the filters when you get the parasols Paul, here its milder and dry but grey. Time to finish planting/moving shrubs.
Problems with the new smugfilter, Dave..
It keeps over heating.
The manufacturer states it's only for domestic use, not industrial.
I keep it in the fridge, but it doesn't last long when working.
Still pretty damn fair, here.
To the east of Herts there is chilly air.
To the west of Herts there is warmer air.
The boundary between the two air masses is laying in a line from roughly the north west to the south east and travelling directly along it's axis:


So us genteel folk of Hertfordshire have had intermittent wonderful sunshine to beckon us out followed by heavy showers to shoo us back in.
All day.
No wonder I don't feel smug but do feel hard done by. Is there a filter available for that situation? A large size, please.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
No rain yesterday but grey and mizzle at the moment here in west Wales. They sneakily changed the forecast without me looking and slipped in some rain for this morning. Set fair for the next 5 days long as they don't change it again!!
It's a very mild 11°C in Hertfordshire this morning with a grey sky but no dampness. The high pressure event continues to build so there's hardly a whisper from the air.
The unpredictable showers yesterday and the grey today has given me time away from the Brompton, so I've cut an escape hatch for the water pump, removed it and stripped it down. I couldn't see anything of significance in the innards apart from a layer of very fine scale coating the inner surfaces, so I cleaned and reassembled it and reinstalled it.
The system now primes and pressurises as it should. I've left it pressurised to check for leaks while I finish the hatch that will make future maintenance a whole lot easier.
I'm really pleased with the whole activity because the new inspection hatch has allowed me to see (and hopefully correct!) a couple of other issues that I'd been unaware of.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Great day for workng outside.
All windows open until 6.30.
Ordered a load of sharp, white gravel,, ¼ cubic metre..
He dropped ½ a metre on our frontage.. bless him.
Spent the afternoon schlepping buckets loads through the house and down the terraces, in the sunshine. Management shovelling in , while I did the Donkey work.

Apart from new plantings, as they arrive, and a little maintenance, that will be the end of our garden lockdown project...
How are going to fill our days in, next. ?
Reluctantly had to put some heating on, at 7.30.