Weather Report..................

It is supposed to be nice here for the next 2 days in west Wales, with 17 degrees forecast for tomorrow. At the moment its looking grey and overcast though but I am waiting to see if the sun breaks through.

Yesterday it rained/drizzled all day.
It's 13°C in Herts with an overcast, though definitely improving, sky.
By this afternoon we're expecting 19°C and plenty of sunshine, which the two wash loads currently flapping about in the gentle breeze will appreciate, I'm sure.
The lawn's cut, some weeds have gone to the compost bin in heaven and I'm raring to get out and about!

Colin :):):)
So much for the forecast.
Yesterday, at lunch, under a parasol, we discussed not needing to buy squashes and turnips for winter soups, now that we're on Summer time.
No sign of any rain and by 11.30, we were driven indoors, with the heating on, by a brisk SE breeze..

Lovely " Fridge-emptying soup, was welcome for lunch indoors.
I dunno..!
So much for the forecast overnight rain.. We got about 29 drops.
It dawned a strange beige light and everything is covered in biscuit coloured dust. Southerly winds have brought us a sample of the Sahara.
We're told it's drizzling now..
It's not.
We're told to expect heavier rain showers.. The sun is breaking through.
We could do with it, to wash off the dust and camel droppings.
We have absolutely wonderful weather in Herts.
It's totally blue above and, though we had an impressive frost first thing, that's long gone and it's already 15°C with 23°C a possibility by this afternoon.
Summer has most definitely arrived.
Most definitely.
I'm confident.
Very confident.

Colin :):):)
We have absolutely wonderful weather in Herts.
It's totally blue above and, though we had an impressive frost first thing, that's long gone and it's already 15°C with 23°C a possibility by this afternoon.
Summer has most definitely arrived.
Most definitely.
I'm confident.
Very confident.

Colin :):):)
Is that definitely, totally confident, and 100 % sure, Colin or shall I put the sun screen away .............