Weather Report..................

I've just got back from a most enjoyable ride around the Hertfordshire lanes and tracks.
Mother Nature really does know how to lift the spirits:


Mixed in amongst the usual yellow primroses were a few small groups of the much less common white primroses:


Gorgeous or what?

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Forecast heavy rain overnight...nothing. Forecast "spotting rain" and it keeps p***sing down for short periods. Cloudy and a bit chilly..
The forecast is for not a drop of rain in the coming week.
So I'm getting my Sou'wester and galoshes ready.
We're down to about 50% cistern capacity.
We need a good , prolonged soaking, nothing dramatic, this month.
Cloudy start here in west Wales but no rain forecast. It has started to cool down though as per the forecast but tbh I'm happy as long as it doesn't rain.
It's 6°C in Hertfordshire with a northwesterly breeze bringing air from the chilly (at this time of the year) North Sea.
On a positive note, it's dry and it looks as if it will stay that way for the next couple of days at least.
So it'll be leggings for this morning's bike ride!

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
It's 6°C in Hertfordshire with a northwesterly breeze bringing air from the chilly (at this time of the year) North Sea.
On a positive note, it's dry and it looks as if it will stay that way for the next couple of days at least.
So it'll be leggings for this morning's bike ride!

Colin 🙂🙂🙂

Update: the bike ride was most enjoyable, though pushing into the wind was slightly less so.
The sun's breaking the cloud up and the temperature may well soar to 9°C (though feels warmer out of the breeze and in the sunshine) so I'm planning an early lunch in the garden.
It seems so much more like a Sunday than a Friday today.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Still dark but no rain here in west Wales. Weather is set fair again and by the afternoon it gets quite warm. We haven't lit the log burner for 3 days now!
Yesterday we enjoyed some cooler sunshine but still very pleasant if you could get out of the chilly breeze, this morning we avoided a frost but we have grey skies and are only nudging 2 degrees. Don't think I'll bother taking the fleece protection off the tender plants.
It's a chilly 6°C in Herts right now with dryness under the uniformly grey sky.
On a positive note the temperature is expected to climb to 7°C later.
Not inspiring.
Not one tiny, weeny bit inspiring.

Colin :):):)

Update: I enjoyed the bike ride this morning, though it was chilly. Those of you who get out for exercise in cold weather will be aware that the body doesn't release warm blood to the extremities until the brain is confident that the body's core temperature is likely to stay in the green zone. This morning with the wind chill of a 7°C head wind it was about 12km (30 mins) until the fingers were toasty.
Now the sun is doing it's best to break through the light grey cloud. Here's hoping.

(9 days to go)
Colin 🙂🙂🙂