Weather Report..................

Brilliant sunshine, hope Pauljenny gets the coffee. Our rules are that we can't go out till after midnight today. THEN tomorrow outside cafe tables of four only.
The shady area will get lots of use for our last weeks, if the forecast is to be believed. Of course we may stay longer, waiting for BJ announcement today. :rolleyes:

EDIT...been reading rules wrong...we can go out today! :D :D :D
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Morning all

We had a smattering of snow overnight. Not a great deal but a thin dusting. It's a mixed sky out there today here in west Wales, with some blue and also some clouds.
It's 3°C with a chilly north westerly breeze in Hertfordshire. There's horizon to horizon blue - and it's expected to stay that way all day, which'll do me just fine.

(5 or 6 days to go, depending)
Colin 🙂🙂🙂
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At half 8 it started snowing. It was sleety snow but then thickened to proper snow. At half 9 it stopped and now its raining. It's too warm to settle so what little we have should be gone by lunchtime especially as the sun is battling through as well.

Bike ride looking dodgy this afternoon so we may have to make our own alternative entertainment o_O
Still dark at the mo here in west Wales but forecast to be a dryer day but cold.

Edited to add: Its much lighter now and cloudy out. No sign of frost or rain hopefully the forecast has it right today ...

..for a change!
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We had a sharp frost in Herts overnight and a clear, bright blue sky at sunrise.
Now it's 1°C and a very thin covering of light grey cloud is encroaching overhead.
There's also the merest hint of a breeze so the bike ride should be a little easier on the legs than of late.

(4 or 5 days to go, depending)
Colin :):):)
Sorry to read about the accident Paul, main thing is of course that Jenny is ok, but lack of a car must be a great inconvenience for now.
It‘s milder than of late here but breezy with perhaps some showers and rain later. Must be due some as it’s been unusally dry lately. ⛅☔💦