Weather Report..................

We have absolutely wonderful weather in Herts.
It's totally blue above and, though we had an impressive frost first thing, that's long gone and it's already 15°C with 23°C a possibility by this afternoon.
Summer has most definitely arrived.
Most definitely.
I'm confident.
Very confident.

Colin :):):)
Is that definitely, totally confident, and 100 % sure, Colin or shall I put the sun screen away .............
Is that definitely, totally confident, and 100 % sure, Colin or shall I put the sun screen away .............

I'm approximately confident, Dave.
Well, roughly anyway.
Sort of definitely.
Anyway, in that ball park.
Perhaps a tad unsure.
Uncertain to some extent.
But certainly, definitely confident that today was surely 100% like summer.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
We sat outside the front door, watching the sun go down.
Sipping the first G&T of 2021... And the second..
18 degrees, as we came in.
Heating on now.. it's supposed to be drizzling.?
Just checked the forecast.

Forget the rain.

Big Easterly winds due overnight, gusts of 40+ mph.
Guess who spent the afternoon bedding in a large, expensive, Fan Palm, onto the exposed SE Terrace.

We've battened down everything that's loose, flabby or delicate... ( Me ).
Beautiful day here in west Wales yesterday. I even caught some sun to top up my (very fading) suntan!

Similar again forecast for today.
So much for the forecast of a blowy night...
Not a whisper !
Today's forecast is for more of the same.. Easterlies with 40 mph gusts.
So we've just enjoyed breakfast on the terrace.
Hazy sun, 16 degrees.
On big dramatic gust crashed in and moved an empty tablet card.
The ordeal continues.
We can tough it out..
Because they make ' em hard, in Yorkshire.
It's warm and dry with increasing amounts of blue appearing overhead here in Herts.
The warmth has brought the lacewings out of hibernation:


I took these five lacewings from their overwintering spot in the house to the garden this morning. I had to wait until Mr Stanley the Robin and Mrs Stanley had filled themselves to the brim on mealworms before liberation.

Colin 🙂🙂😳
Another lovely day yesterday...I mowed the lawns in the afternoon. The second cut of the year.

It's set fair again here in west Wales but is starting to get cooler from today I believe. No rain forecast until Monday, so they say!