Weather Report..................

Herts is sitting under a grey sky with a chilly north-easterly wind blowing from the North Sea.
There's an occasional thinning of the cloud and a burst of sun - and I'm hoping we get more and more bursts as the day progresses.

Colin :):):)
Cloudy, 22 degrees.
No great breezes to shift it
Rain expected for Saturday,Sunday and Monday...
Yesterday they forecast no rain for the next 10 days.

We've got the first Sunday Gipsy market , since before Xmas. Everyone is looking forward to it...
But we do need some decent rain, to get us through the summer.
Yesterday morning, after a warm, stuffy night, Management decided to ditch the duvet.
Forecast was favourable.
We had breakfast and lunch outside, but by dusk, we were putting winter clothing on.
By 9pm. We've got 4Kw of heating . blasting away.
Today looked to continue that way.
We started breakfast, indoors. The sunshine broke through.
Breezes, Northerly until Noon then a 180 degrees turnabout.
Rain due tomorrow..🥴
Herts has it's fair share of the blue sky that's blanketing the UK right now.
We had an overnight frost but the temperature is climbing nicely and the washing is already drying in the gentle breeze.
So I'll be packing the Moho later today for our foray around the countryside twixt London and Bristol. Oh, and I'll try my hardest to fit in a bike ride around the lanes before strapping the Dawes to the back of the Moho.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂