Weather Report..................

It's mainly blue above Gloucestershire this morning and the countryside looks very inviting indeed.
It'll be walks or bike rides for us today, with possibly a visit to the farmers market at Alderton.
It's great to be able to get out and about again.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
Half an hour after my previous post, we were sipping a glass of wine, ( each .. We live like millionaires ), under the shade. of the olive tree.
We had clouds arriving overhead, from 3 different directions at 3 different heights.
A mile up the valley, they've had torrential rain.. also a surprise for them.

The wind is alleged to be turning northerly, dry, but a cold cold 8 degrees, first thing.
I've just given away all my too big winter clothes, and without my usual layer of blubber, I might have to hibernate again.
We have a clear blue sky above us twixt Bristol and Bath with a gentle breeze.
The temperature is currently about 6°C with 13°C expected later.
So, following on from yesterday afternoon's bike ride into and around Bath, it'll probably be a bike ride into Bristol today. I particularly want to visit the SS Great Britain and the Clifton suspension bridge.
Oh, and if anyone wants to take their Moho through Bath - don't! According to the camping site owner here, a couple of weeks ago the city set up a low emission area with a £9 fee for moho entry which rises to a penalty of £100 if unpaid. The signs advising entry to the area are said to be really small and could easily be missed.
Details can be found here:

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
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