Weather Report..................

There's a band of cloud running north-south over southern England with clear skies and temperatures of about 15°C either side of the cloud band, whereas under the cloud it's currently 10°C.
Any guesses as to where Hertfordshire lies?

Colin 🙂🙂🙂

Out at 7.15 for a gentle stroll in the hills
Getting too hot, to do it later in the day.

Big breakfast on the shady Mezzanine.. Nelson Riddle theme on the local radio.. Sinatra, Sarah V, Ella, Nat KC. Right back to the Doris Days.

Surely can't be much better, Can it.?
Found some shade and a gentle westerly breeze.
Enjoy your bank holiday weekend..
You've all worked so hard to earn it
It's overcast, mild and still in Herts but unbroken sunshine is confidently forecast from 10:00 onwards.
I'd to thank you all for agreeing to share your blueness today.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂
What reports from Hollingsworth Lake. ?
Maybe they are so shocked and disappointed to wake up and find its not raining ?

Come in @jeffmossy .

It says on my phone..

" Unbroken sunshine and 28 degrees. "

So why are we sitting under a 95% cloudy sky, 20 chilly degrees and wearing a sweater ?
That car looks immaculate Bill. There's not a patch of dust on it. What's your secret?

II need to know to be able to tell my wife how to make a better job of cleaning mine. 😳
Looks like a lovely day again here in west Wales, with blue skies above.

That must be some kind of record 3 days without rain in wales.

Reminds me of 1976....