Weather Report..................

It's about 17°C at the moment in Herts with dryness and light grey cloud cover.
The forecasters are expecting rain from about 10:00 to 12:00, so I'm expecting to get wet on the bike.
After all, if I was chasing down Mark Cavendish this morning, I wouldn't let a few rain drops get in the way, would I?
Oh, and this afternoon I'll be cheering him on.

Colin :):):)
Whilst it's only 15° and overcast, the forecast is for it to remain dry until this evening.

This one day window between adjacent rainy days is very welcome as we are invited to a garden picnic birthday celebration........ full social distancing of course.
It's a lovely start to the day here in Herts with fluffy white clouds moving slowly across the blueness.
It's already a very comfortable 19°C and set to creep into the twenties.

Colin :):):)
Still on the terrace. 25 degrees and a breeze. Cooler tomorrow.
A splendid evening's entertainment, the last hour of the footie.
Engerland and Italia don't mean too much to us.. We live here, presently.
Lots of drama, beer, a final Scotch.
And we've an unopened bottle of posh fizz, to celebrate the World Cup... If we're spared.